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needing help with fabulous finds

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by emsi81, Dec 22, 2009.

  1. emsi81

    emsi81 Well-Known Member

    i am stuck on the box puzzle after looking for the 70's items!
    can anyone PLEASE help me??
  2. Sunshine29

    Sunshine29 Active Member

    I have just done the box puzzle and it's going to be quite difficult to describe how to do it! I am going to try and take some screen shots and post them.
    Post Merge: [time]1261587089[/time]
    Found out that No$GBA crashes when you are doing the search so won't be able to post any screen shots. I've written it down step by step so here goes -

    Push box right
    Push box down
    Move right
    Push box down
    Move right
    Move down two squares
    Push box left two squares
    Move right two squares
    Move up two squares
    Move left
    Push box down
    Push box left
    Move down
    Push box right
    Move up three squares
    Move left
    Push box down two squares
    Move up four squares
    Move right
    Push box down four squares

    TA DA
  3. emsi81

    emsi81 Well-Known Member

    I think we have crossed wires because there is no way those instructions will work with the second box puzzle!
    the one after lokking for 70's item's
  4. cubatlarge

    cubatlarge New Member

    i'm with you on this one emsi81. wickedly tricky puzzle, still working on it here?

    anyone else playing this game?
  5. emsi81

    emsi81 Well-Known Member

    after 3 days my dad solved the puzzle BUT doesn't know how he did it!
  6. cubatlarge

    cubatlarge New Member

    whooooo hooooo!!!! to start off, I've numbered the boxes from 1 to 5 in order from left to right and the spaces where the boxes need to go as 'letters' A - E....So bare with me on this, but it looks like this:


    so the instructions are as follows:

    1. move this to E
    2. push this one to the left and leave it
    4. push this one to D
    2. push this one to B
    3. push this one to C
    5. push this one to the left and one down and wolllla!!!

    Good Luck, don't forget to find the silverware, I forgot and did not even realize I was supposed to be looking for it, in each level.