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need some help

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by kirushadow, Jul 7, 2010.

  1. kirushadow

    kirushadow Member

    Ok here's the issue I'm using the epsxe170 emu and I'm trying to play Gundam battle assault 2 i have a intel(R) Graphics Media Acceleratore card and a Toshiba Laptop Centrino Duo but what happens when i run the iso it will play the intro and then once it should be the game its just a black screen then it will say an error ocurrd and it closes the program if u need more info just ask but please what config settings do i need on the Petes OpenGL driver? , i mean even on the black screen the controls work cus i can here them
  2. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    Try using the default "Nice" on Pete's OpenGl.

    But since you use Intel graphic card, try use the P.E.o.p.S Soft Driver.
    I think that one work for most of card.
  3. kirushadow

    kirushadow Member

    sry im a strickt noob at this whats the P.E.o.p.S Soft Drive...? maybe if u could just tell me where it is to configure or is it a plug for the emu?
  4. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    If certain plugins doesn't show up on your config.
    Then it was not in your Plugins folder, either you haven't downloaded it or missing.

    Download the plugin pack from here.

    Go to Config -> Video, under the dropdown menu, change your plugins.
  5. kirushadow

    kirushadow Member

    awsome it worked up until the end of teh first fight..... :'( then it brings up this error screen that says Opcode 3c UNK (PC00000950)(0000094c)(2513,49) i have no idea what that means...o.o
    Post Merge: [time]1278518948[/time]
    m i not doing something rite? i dont get it it works fine up until the end of the first fight then it shuts down with that error message m i missing a plug in , or is it the iso or maybe the emu? cus i rly dont know....??
  6. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    There are several reason why you get that message.
    It was either because of the graphic plugins, using savestates, bad iso, or perhaps need to use other emulators.

    If you are playing the game using savestates, try load the game from nearest save(memory card), and continue from where the problem persist.
    Try using different graphic plugins, such as D3D.
  7. kirushadow

    kirushadow Member

    i think it was the iso cus i ran metal slug on the d3d driver 1.77 thats the one iv been useing it did the error message a phew times in the middle of the 2nd stage then it playd all the way through its ok il just wait till i get enough points to get the version of gba2 that cost points lol probebly my best bet but i do rely appriciate all the help guys thanks so much ^.^ your truley the god of missery
    Post Merge: [time]1278548963[/time]
    *yours truley**
    Post Merge: [time]1278633334[/time]
    i m now certan it is the iso, i downloaded the gundam battle assault 1 and it worked beautifully the mods should check out the gundam battle assault 2 iso and see whats wrong with it , its the first one if u search for gundam battle assault 2
  8. kirushadow

    kirushadow Member

    yeah i waited for the points of the other version and im still haveing the same dam problem i would just play the disk but its to scratched up to work thats the whole reasion i did all this all just to find out neither iso works? i mean dose anyone els get this problem with the gundam battle assault 2 iso on the ePSXe emu?????
  9. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Have you tried different video plugins?
  10. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    Those 2 games are technically different.
    The setting that is compatible in one game doesn't mean that it will work in the other.

    The ISOs from RomU are clean, so if it doesn't work I suspect it's the emulator doesn't have the right settings.

    You can try different PSX emulator such as psxfin as an alternative.