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Need some help with American Government homework.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ter, Oct 1, 2007.

  1. Ter

    Ter Active Member

    Don't really know where this topic should be going so I guess I'll just post it here. Anyway.....

    I know I should be doing my own homework but since my teacher said to take advantage of every help I can get, well I'm gonna use that advantage to help me now.

    So does anyone know when the US Constitution was officially ratified? It's supposedly one of these anwsers:

    A) July 4, 1776

    B ) March 4, 1789

    C) January 24, 1791

    D) May 1, 1803
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    isn't this something you have to know in order to be a US citizen?
  3. Drake801

    Drake801 Active Member

  4. Ter

    Ter Active Member

    I guess, but my teacher wants us to find an answer for it by tomorrow. I don't have my textbook with me so I have to rely on the internet for the answers. Besides, I'm still in high school and it's only the first quarter. We haven't learned much lately because we have a lot of things to catch up on.
  5. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    The correct answer is June 21, 1788. Weird that it's not a choice. :|
  6. Ter

    Ter Active Member

    Yeah, I saw that too but it isn't on the choice. Anyway, now I'm on the 5th question and need help again.

    How is the membership of the House of Representatives determined?

    A. By apportioned population of the states.

    B. By two representatives from each state.

    C. By governors of states according to a formula established by Congress.

    D. By the legislature of each state.
  7. RexNoctis311

    RexNoctis311 Member

    On the ratification, yes. March 4, 1789 was when the government officially started working under the Constitution.
  8. Drake801

    Drake801 Active Member

    "After fierce fights over ratification in many of the states, New Hampshire became that ninth state on June 21, 1788. Once the Congress of the Confederation received word of New Hampshire's ratification, it set a timetable for the start of operations under the Constitution, and on March 4, 1789, the government under the Constitution began operations."

    Wikipedia is your friend....well most of the time. But this info is sound.
  9. RexNoctis311

    RexNoctis311 Member

    Heh, kind of a trick question. The "official" answer is A, of course.

    However, many state legislatures redraw their boundaries to benefit their majority party for elections. This is referred to as "gerrymandering". You should pull that out on your gov. teacher, I'm sure he or she will be impressed.
  10. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    So the teacher just writes the questions like an idiot, then. :p
  11. RexNoctis311

    RexNoctis311 Member

    This thread is now about how crappy American education is.
  12. Ter

    Ter Active Member

    Okay, thanks for the help guys :D . I'll post up another question if I need help again.

    EDIT: Okay, I need help again. The question this time is:

    If both houses of Congress wish to have a bill become law, but each has changed the original, the bill must go to ___

    A) The president.

    B ) A conference committee.

    C) The Supreme Court.

    D) The sub-committee where it originated.
  13. RexNoctis311

    RexNoctis311 Member

  14. Paperbag51

    Paperbag51 Active Member

    I didn't read through all the post but im fairly positive the answer is a. And you know you can google this crap right ? yeah its alot easier... shyte i got my whole constitution essay off the us constitution site. lol
  15. Ter

    Ter Active Member

    Yes, I know I can google for them but some of the answers, I can't seem to find. Here are five true/fasle questions I need help answering (Because google alone can't help me here >_<) :

    1. Taxes collected by Congress must be the same from state to state.

    2. Congress can print money, and establish weights and measures.

    3. States cannot engage in war unless invaded or in immediate danger

    4. States cannot sign treaties with other countries for purposes of trade.

    5. Congress alone can declare war.

    Well, I'm pretty sure #5 is false, but what about the others?
  16. gert_lover

    gert_lover New Member

    The answer is B. The conference committee revises the two different bills from the Senate and House of Representatives then summits it to the both houses of Congress again to vote in. :p If they agree, THEN it goes to the president.
  17. gert_lover

    gert_lover New Member

    I'm not sure about 1 3, and 4 but here are my answers:
    1. False, taxes are based on population. (Again, I'm not sure)
    2. True. Stated in Constitution in enumerated powers section for Congress.
    3. True. (Again, I'm not sure)
    4. False. Only the national government can sign treaties. (Again, I'm not sure)
    5. True. Stated in the enumerated powers section on the Constitution.
  18. Ter

    Ter Active Member

    Thanks. I'm now done with my homework :D .