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Need some help... need for some advice

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by supermega_boy, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. supermega_boy

    supermega_boy Well-Known Member

    Hey guys, I have a kind of a problem

    I am a college student. My best friend goes to same college as me. He is good friend and a great person. He is a Junior while I am Freshman (2nd semester). During these days, I had noticed something. Whenever he is talking or spending more time with another person than me, I feel bad and even sometimes a little bit jealous. I sometimes think that he trusts more in other people than me and that makes feel weird and jealous. How can I avoid feeling this way? Is there something wrong with me if I feel this way?

    I don't if it ok that I posted this here :p
  2. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    You're either a troll, and posting this for laughs or gay and actually jealous.
    Perhaps both.

    Oh yeah, advice; Either get over your random jealousy, or you're not a very good friend.
    Yes, I'm bad at advice.
  3. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    Discounting the two very possible options proposed by Paras, it might also be that you have a serious lack of self confidence.
    I don't know how you could go about fixing that though.
    Try going to a shrink, or just be a man.
  4. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    He doesn't like you, time for new friends.
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...Soo many assumptions here to be made of the op, I can make worse than what para made...

    Ahem, it's jealousy, get over it, he can have as many friends as he wants, why must he restrict himself just to you and you alone?

    Ethier that or you have "feelings" for him
  6. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    I have never felt that from a man...me think you are becoming gay....
  7. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    lol you guys.

    Well, OP. If you're not a troll, and not gay, you're probably just really possessive. I don't think it's that weird, I've known folks who get mad when their bff go off and get some new friends. Granted they're girls but you're uh...Really feminine? Or just possessive in general.
  8. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    You better snap out of it or youll be stalking him next
  9. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    XD hes gonna ask him questions like.
    "where were you?"
    "dinners cold"
    "why were you out so late"
    "whats that on your neck"
  10. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I would get new friends.
  11. oscarwilde

    oscarwilde Member

    Ok OP I'm gonna take you seriously.

    Honestly? If you don't check your jealousy then it's going to wreck your friendship. Also maybe you should make some new friends as well so you have someone to hang out with when your bff is busy. It might make you feel less jealoush.
  12. usernameladiesman217

    usernameladiesman217 Well-Known Member

    Fuck his brains out.