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need help

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by julie27, May 31, 2010.

  1. julie27

    julie27 New Member

    hi peeps im new to this download thing im tryin to get a few games for the kids can any 1 please help me and explain how to download them so the can be put on to an r4i card would be very thank full thanks peeps hope sum 1 can help thanks julie
  2. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    first, you need to have the latest firmware on your card, it is downloaded from the website that is on your box. then look for ysmenu, (i didnt say wood R4 becuase you have a clone, and wood R4 is really unstable for cloned R4s right now) this is an optional firmware, but recommended to make the newest games work. Just use romulation to download games, there should be on the top part of the site, a hyperlink that says return to romulation, then go to search, type the game you want. there are different regions for the games, (U) for US, (E) for Europe, (J) for Japan and so on, those are the most common, the r4 should be able to read any of them, but look for the one you like more. after clicking on the game go to download file, and download it. it comes on a zip file so unzip it, using winrar or another program. Then add the game to the card, in a folder called Games, GAME, it doesnt matter, if there isnt one, just create one. make sure to backup everything just in case