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Need help with a site to buy dstwo

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by Alias1983, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. Alias1983

    Alias1983 Well-Known Member

    Ok so I have tried about 6 sites to get a dstwo from and my card keeps getting rejected, bank keeps telling me something about card fraud.

    I tried shop temp and a few other highly recommended sites.

    So where should I look then? ebay?
  2. eroz

    eroz Member

    I just ordered one from dsflashcart.com. However I had to use 2 cards, the first was rejected but the second card I tried, worked. I placed the order on Saturday, but I have not received a shipping confirmation email yet.
  3. Alias1983

    Alias1983 Well-Known Member

    rocky I tried shoptemp and my bank said no for the reasons mentioned.

    Shop temp requires you to log in with gba temp and I cant for some reason. Its just not going to go through.
  4. Alias1983

    Alias1983 Well-Known Member

    I have tried 10 fucking sites to try to order a card from and not a single one asked for a credit card number and no option to put a credit card number in anywhere.

    I shit you not any link on this page http://eng.supercard.sc/map/UNITED-STATES.htm same fucking shit over and over again. Keeps taking me to the same pay here page but there is no option anywhere to put in a credit card number.

    I am really starting to get pissed off that I cant find one fucking site that dosent give me a fucking run around.
  5. eroz

    eroz Member

    Could it be the browser you are using?
  6. Alias1983

    Alias1983 Well-Known Member

    No apparently some banks do not allow overseas purchasing.......

    So I will need to find some other way to buy the card online.
  7. Greystar

    Greystar New Member

    I've been using realhotstuff.com and had no issues with payments.
  8. akirayuki13

    akirayuki13 Member

    You could try zhuzhuchina.com/store/?af=akira, just recently bought one r4i gold and it is already on the way, i received a tracking number already. Customer service is very good too. BTW, i used my VISA supported debit card so i think they will accept yours also. You can also pay with Paypal but the process seems to be a tad complicated so i with the first method i mentioned. And yeah, DSTwo is also available there.