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Need Help with 2013 R4isdhc-silver for 3DS

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by jayson121, Jul 9, 2013.

  1. jayson121

    jayson121 New Member

    My 3DS is running latest version 6.1.0-11U , I have download the latest kernel from http://www.r4isdhc.com/download_silver_new2013/.
    However when I run the card I get 'An error has occured. Press and hold the POWER button.....for details' message.
    Anyone can help? Is this R4isdhc-silver really able to support V6.1.0-11U directly which stated on their website or am I the only one having this problem?
    Thanks :)
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    According to the site, it does support v.6.1.0. However your issue is that you'd already upgraded your 3DS console before doing the R4 firmware upgrading. Very stupid mistake done on your part, cause you'd blocked the use of your own R4 cart from running on your console by already upgrading your 3DS console. You're suppose to upgrade your R4's firmware/kernel before upgrading your console, not the other way round. Solve it by upgrading your R4 on another console (if you have one or borrow if you got none) that hasn't been upgraded to the latest version in order for it to again be usable on your 3DS.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    No need for that, mistakes happen, and some people just don't completely understand the process. There's absolutely no need to directly or indirectly call them stupid.
  4. jayson121

    jayson121 New Member

    Thanks for helping :)
    I just get the 3DS from a friend and its already running latest firmware, that's why I bought this new R4 recently thought it will work
  5. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Not unless your recently bought cart been pre-installed with the latest kernel/firmware for it to run on that 3DS's v.6.1.0 firmware. Which in this case, it wasn't pre-installed with the latest kernel/firmware at purchase, thus was blocked from use on the 3DS console. Like I said earlier, what you can do is borrow someone's NDS/NDSL preferably to run your R4, install the latest firmware/kernel from that cart's official site, once done, you then can use the upgraded R4 on your own 3DS console. If you're to borrow an NDSi/3DS, make sure it's below v.4.3.0 or one that can run your R4 without problem in order for you to successfully upgrade it. Make sure to back up the files found in your SD Micro for safety reasons before proceeding with the upgrading process, that includes making sure the borrowed console had been fully charged prior to doing the upgrading as it might take several minutes or longer to complete the process. Do also make sure you'd fully understood the instructions given by your cart's website regarding the steps to perform the upgrading successfully.

    You seems rather sensitive regarding the use of the word 'stupid' around here. But no, the statement wasn't in any way meant to refer to intelligence, rather it was meant to mean 'reckless' or 'hasty' action, but in no way was it meant to mean or to be viewed as offensive or degrading. I do however understand your concerns as it can be ambiguous depending on how it may be interpreted, and may be perceived differently than was meant to be received.
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you could have said reckless or silly, or even foolish, that would have been less ambiguous.
  7. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I know, I should have.