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Need help please!

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by JudgeCid, Dec 1, 2010.

  1. JudgeCid

    JudgeCid Member

    Hey guys, I’m in dire need of some help. I’m not very tech-savvy and computer jargon means nothing to me, unfortunately. So I apologize in advance if that makes my explanation of my problem inadequate, or the solution to it difficult to articulate. Anyways, here’s my problem: for a while, I’ve been playing Pokemon Black, and while it’s enjoyable, there’s a nagging problem. At the beginning, occasionally, when I went into battle, the lower screen would freeze yet the top screen would still be moving. Naturally, I couldn’t control my pokemon, and therefore had to reset my cartridge. I was able to keep this problem in check by saving often, about every 2 minutes (this actually seemed to prevent the certain problem from happening). Lately though, the problem has been surfacing about every third battle or so, regardless of how often I save. As you can imagine, this is quite annoying, having to reset every 5 minutes. I’m just wondering if anyone knows a code or can tell me how to fix my ROM so that I can get on with my game without this annoying and persistent issue. Please help!

    P.S. I apologize if this thread/topic is a repeat. I’ve searched high and low for a fix for this problem, and haven’t been able to locate one. If the moderator sees fit to delete this, I’d humbly ask that he or she direct me to the post that addresses this problem. Thank you!
  2. Joseg1320

    Joseg1320 Well-Known Member

    I had this problem before....but I forgot how I fixed it.....Oh wait, I think I remember, Start up Pokemon Black, when you have it up and running, go to your Pokemon .sav file in the "BATTERY" folder and move it to your desktop, then save in game, and it should create a new .sav file, try playing normally again and see if the problem continues.

    Make sure you have this Cheat activated also, when you add it click on Action Replay DS and RAW. This is the only Cheat you need to run the game.

    52004EA0 E8BD01F0
    02001800 E92D4008
    02001804 E3A00000
    02001808 E3A0150E
    0200180C E2811A06
    02001810 E5810B44
    02001814 EA5FE9F2
    02001818 E59F4034
    0200181C E59F5034
    02001820 E5845000
    02001824 E59F4020
    02001828 E5945000
    0200182C E59F601C
    02001830 E1550006
    02001834 03A05001
    02001838 05C4500A
    0200183C 03A05000
    02001840 E1445DB4
    02001844 E8BD01F0
    02001848 EA000D95
    0200184C 02180C60
    02001850 28AAFF1F
    02001854 037FBFE0
    02001858 EAA01606
    02004EA0 EAFFF25C
    D0000000 00000000
  3. JudgeCid

    JudgeCid Member

    Thank you for replying! I did just as you said, but when I saved in-game, no new .sav file was created. I tried playing, but just a few battles in, the same glitch happened :( The code is working perfectly though. Any other ideas? They would be greatly appreciated! Thanks again for the help!
  4. Joseg1320

    Joseg1320 Well-Known Member

    It will create a new .sav file as soon as you close No$GBA, I forgot to mention that, then just delete your old .sav file and see if that works.
  5. JudgeCid

    JudgeCid Member

    I followed your advice and moved the .sav file as soon as the emulator was running, saved, closed the emulator, deleted the old .sav file, and tried to play. Alas, the same issue sprung up. I'm not sure if maybe my ROM is bad or something. Any other ideas? And thank you for the help so far :)
  6. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Did you use No$Zoomer when playing this game?

    If yes, delete both No$gba, and No$zoomer .ini files, and run the game again.
    Try this package as well.(if yours is from other sources.)
  7. JudgeCid

    JudgeCid Member

    Yes, I used the No$Zoomer, but I found it runs more smoothly on the No$GBA, so lately I have been using that instead. I downloaded the package from the No$ site. I will download the one you posted as well, and try it on there. As for the .ini files, where might I find those? I'm not familiar with this file type nor where it would be located. I've looked in all the folders related to the No$GBA/Zoomer and am unable to find them. I apologize for my lack of tech proficiency. Thanks for the idea, I'll give it a try!
  8. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Both file can be found in your No$gba folder, but since you're only using No$gba, delete that 'no$gba.ini' file only.

    But, since it runs well on No$Zoomer, I suggest running it instead of No$gba.
  9. JudgeCid

    JudgeCid Member

    I managed to find the file, and I deleted it, but no luck. Same issue :( I've also tried it on the Zoomer, and I still have the same problem. Any more ideas? Thank you guys for all the help so far, if there's some way to thank you like giving you recommendation points or something, I'd happily do that.
  10. Joseg1320

    Joseg1320 Well-Known Member

    Well, I'm out of ideas. What version of Pokemon Black English are you playing on? Here, try to play with this one, it's the newest version 7.

    After you download it, run it and try to do the .sav trick one more time. If you already have this version, let me know so I can give you the link to V6 so you can try that one instead.

    If you still have the problem, upload your .sav file to mediafire or megaupload and send me the link so I can download it and see if I get the same problem.
  11. JudgeCid

    JudgeCid Member

    I believe I've been playing V4, so that V7 would be a welcome upgrade whether it solves my problem or not. My friend told me I may just need the Rudolph patch, but I'm not sure how to patch the game myself, so I'll try your link and let you know. Thanks for all the help you guys!
  12. Joseg1320

    Joseg1320 Well-Known Member

    I patched this V7 myself, it has Rudolph's patch.
  13. JudgeCid

    JudgeCid Member

    Excellent, I'll surely give it a go! Thank you very much!
    Post Merge: [time]1291585426[/time]
    Joseg, thank you so much! Your new version works like a charm! Plays beautifully and so far, no game freezes :) Thank you also Meganova, your advice is much appreciated as well! You guys deserve some recognition, is there anyway to give you guys reward points or something?
  14. Joseg1320

    Joseg1320 Well-Known Member

    Awesome, glad we got the problem solved.