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Need help on a simple research...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by XD9999, Aug 27, 2008.

  1. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    Im conducting a research study on the awareness level of my fellow schoolmates in regards to their...well awareness with their privileges in school.


    medical and dental
    Guidance Program
    Special Development?

    anyways, i cant figure out meaningful questions that i can use to create a decent table to suggest the concept to viewers. in other words. im running out of ideas for questions for the questionnaire.

    heres what i thought.

    Name (Optional)

    1. Are you aware of your privileges? [yes/no]
    2. Which of the privelages are you aware/familiar with?
    3. Which do you often use?
    4. How often do you use it?
    5. Do you find it useful?
    6. Are you satisfied with the services?
    7. Suggestions?

    ugh....im stuck with seven simple questions...please help
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you need to define priviliges, and I wouldn't say that's the right word for them.
  3. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    privileges - A special advantage or immunity or benefit not enjoyed by all
    - A right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right)
    - (law) the right to refuse to divulge information obtained in a confidential relationship

    if privilege is not the right term, what would you suggest that would make more appropriate?
    its just that i always here it that "using books from the library is a privilege, not a right" and all that crap.
  4. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Using the word in that context makes no sense. The "privileges" you stated in the list can be "enjoyed by all", however some choose not to take advantage of it. I cannot think of a better phrase right now, but using that particular word is erroneous.
  5. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    so i need to change the term...this could take some time
  6. grimsim1

    grimsim1 Well-Known Member

    wouldn't that be more of an optional service? I mean I understand the issue with under privileged schools etc. but some schools need to have those sort of services and facilities in order to become a well known school and to attract more students for future years. The parents would want these sort of facilities. I for example never stepped into the library of my school and played sport for a club and not for the school. So they are optional and I agree that its not appropriate to call them privileges!
  7. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    then what would you have it called? ...tsk maybe i should just change topic...any suggestions?
  8. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    You need to be more specific in your questions:

    1. Are you aware of your privileges? [yes/no]
    2. Which of the privelages are you aware/familiar with? - Too broad, "I like the bathrooms, I like the cafeteria, I like the access to the balcony."
    3. Which do you often use? - What's often? Plus, 4 asks about the frequency - Try: Which do you use?
    4. How often do you use it? - Once again, what's often? Define a period: Once a week, Once a month, etc.
    5. Do you find it useful? - What's useful? Is it useful for everybody?
    6. Are you satisfied with the services? - Define satisfied? - Try, from 1 to 5, with 1 low and 5 high, how would you rate this service.
    7. Suggestions? - Try: What other services would you like to see?

    You already gave the other word for privileges: services.

    Try to make a list of services and ask the same questions for each service.

    Finally, don't make too many questions. Seven to ten questions is enough, else people get bored and don't want to take it.
  9. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    ok then, re-make

    1. Are you aware of your privileges?

    2. Which of the services/privileges are aware of?
    -Internet Access
    -Special Development (anyone knows anything bout this?)
    -Guidance Program

    3.Which do you often use?
    -Internet Access
    -Special Development (anyone knows anything bout this?)
    -Guidance Program

    4. How often do you use it?
    -Once a week
    -Once a month
    -Once a semester

    5. Satisfaction?


    6. Suggestions
    what other services would you like to see/avail/have?

    7....missing one question...usefulness is pretty much the same as satisfaction right?
  10. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Sort of, Satisfaction is how much good it makes you feel etc., while usefulness is just how useful it would be to you etc.
  11. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    How bout one that is kinda off-topic but something along the line such as "how did you find this survey" or "did this survey opened your eyes" or something like that
  12. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    hmm i guess it would be pretty good to include that...so for question number 7.

    How do you find this survey?

    any suggestions on the choices??? haha this implies the ignorance of my schoolmates woot woot.
  13. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    What's the difference between lame and stupid?
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    two letters
  15. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    How old is your target group? Personally, if I had the choice between eye-opener and lame/stupid, I'd think this question would make it fall in the lame/stupid area. Don't use lame/stupid.

    How satisfied are you with the services that are available? 1-5
    How useful are the services to you? 1-5
  16. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Aha. Services. That's the word. Replace privilege with service.
  17. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    Anyone would do as long as their a student of the school.
  18. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    So your target group would be teenagers.
  19. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    yeah i guess the majority would be teenagers, but as long as they have a valid school ID age doesn't matter.

    anyway here is the final result:


    1. Are you aware of the services available to you in school?

    2. Which of this services are you aware of?
    -Internet Access
    -Special Development (anyone knows anything bout this?)
    -Guidance Program

    3.Which do you often use?
    -Internet Access
    -Special Development (anyone knows anything bout this?)
    -Guidance Program

    4. How often do you use it?
    Please put a check mark to the table below to indicate frequency.)
    (note: please write down under "others" if the time of frequency is not indicated.
    (i apologize for not using the table option for replying a post. I just couldn't figure out how it works.)

    Please anwer the following questions by rating it from one through five, one being the lowest and five the highest.

    < - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - 4 - - - - - - - 5- - - - - - ->

    5. How useful are the services to you?

    6. How satisfied are you with the services that are available?


    8. Suggestions
    what other services would you like to have available?
  20. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    1) don't use the word privileges. Make the question like 'Are you aware of the services available to you?'

    2) again, remove the word 'privileges'

    4) is a bad question because they may use some services more often than others

    7) is a bad question because you will not get an honest answer

    8 ) should be 'What other services would you like to have available?'