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Need help:MMBN 5:Teamprotoman

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by nhatanhlathan, Jul 3, 2009.

  1. nhatanhlathan

    nhatanhlathan Member

    1)Some one can tell me know how to make NaviCustom bigger
    is 2 small and i have alot of NCP nice like ATKMax;SpeedMax and i can't put them in(Cry :-[)
    2)I have 3 chip Sword S
    Wide Sword S
    Long Sword S
    How can i connect them together
  2. Waterslicer

    Waterslicer New Member

    You can't make your navi cust bigger, but you can make the programs smaller:
  3. nhatanhlathan

    nhatanhlathan Member

    but what about this Customizer Memories
    Post Merge: [time]1246608214[/time]
    Beside the link u give me is cheat
    and i try to cheat and its not work
  4. shadow 26

    shadow 26 Well-Known Member

    you´re wrong, the navi cust get bigger by some item, which name I can´t remember, oh and the chips, just use them on a battle in this order sword, wide sword and long sword and you get a pretty nice life sword
  5. nhatanhlathan

    nhatanhlathan Member

    i know
    is a Cuztomierz Memorries
    Any one know where are those(2of them)