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Need help in Golden sun

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by Andy1413, Aug 15, 2008.

  1. Andy1413

    Andy1413 New Member

    could someone show me how to find all the mars djinns(i had 6 of them,only 1 more needed ???)
  2. kryz

    kryz Well-Known Member

    erm is this golden sun 1???

    1st forge: goma cave - inside go find a man a djinn and a pillar... position the pillar so that you can jump accross to get the djinn... i think you already got this one...

    2nd fever: imil - look for a snowman... then.... move it left so it slides down in the icy sliding thing... next make you way to the cemetery near the entrance of the town... then... slide right, up, left, up, left, up, right, up, left, up, right to the snowman, and finally up to the cave... djinn is in there...

    3rd corona: i think this is the one you missed... in xian... in the overworld... go north and cross a bridge to a small island... walk around these parts to battle for a chance to battle the djinn..

    4th scorch: kalay - northeast of town is a statue... use move to move it and you can go inside the kalay *tunnels* i think... now... you can see a djnn... a statue and flowing water... the obvious... move the statue in front of the flowing water to stop it to reach the djinn...

    5th ember: tolbi - when you enter town, dont enter the gates yet, instead... go left, not too much or youll exit to the overworld... find a sapling and use growth... climb it and find a puddle... use freeze... obviously... next.. go back into town... but DONT exit to the overworld hence the puzzle will reset... go to the inn and make your way to the 2nd floor... go outside... jump over the pillar of ice you froze to get the mystical rascal...

    6th flash: at suhalla desert - near the end of the desert, use reveal and you will find a set of footprints... use your detective sherlock holmes skill thingy and follow the footprints eventually leading to the djinn...

    7th torch: lilivero - look for the weapon shop... use the ladder there to climb up the roof... next... jump to the wall on the right... follow the wall to get to the other side of town... jump onto the next building... and onto the next... climb up the vine to find the bugger....

    8th bushfire: nah... theres no 8th djinn... ^^ but you can usually see this on california and australia... ^^

    hihi enjoy playing... and dont forget to play golden sun 2... ^^
  3. thebass324

    thebass324 Well-Known Member

    Also, make sure to check GameFAQs if you still can't find the last one.
  4. Andy1413

    Andy1413 New Member

    Oops,i got it just after i post this so sorry and also thank you for your help ;D