Hey guys, I have Project64 and need to figure out how to get a save file that has a Metapod named Penis that can do Harden and String Shot. I need to record game footage for a project I am working on and this would be funny as shit, albeit childish. Can anyone help?
Yeah, I know it sounds stupid, but getting a save file for an old N64 game is pretty tough. And trying to get a Gameboy Pokemon game, naming a Metapod Penis, and trying to send it to a N64 is to tough. I have no idea where to get the Controller GB port anyway
Hmmm.... That would be very hard to get... I don't think there's a way other than to use the N64 controller and the transfer pack to get the pokemon's name on the game.
Might be easier just using Battle revolution and naming a metapod "p3nis" Also, you would get more views out of that then a old n64 game, It's just a suggestion. By the way I have a caterpie named D1ld0
Thing is, if I use Battle Revolution I will have to connect the Wii to a DVD recorder and then use Pokesav to make the proper edits easily. BUT, if I use an emulator I can resize it to fit our HD show... see what I mean? PLUS, the stringshot in Stadium actually looks like an ejaculation. Stringshot in Battle Revolution looks like a spiders web. Stupid. With Pokesav I can actually name it Penis for real. I have been battling with Japanese curse words for Pokemon online, makes the Japanese mad. Post Merge: [time]1267770337[/time] bump... I figured it out after HOURS of research. For future reference and googlers. 1) Play Pokemon Yellow in Visual Boy Advanced. 2) Get a Caterpie, Evolve it to Metapod. 3) IN GAME Save in a Pokemon Center. 4) Use "File -> Export -> Battery Save" 5) Open Project64 using the n-rage 1.82a controller plugin. 6) Set the "controller pak" as "transfer pak" 7) Tell the program where the .gbc and .sav file are from yellow. 8) Open Pokemon Stadium. 9) Play like normal. WORKED FINE. TOOK A LONG TIME. It is funny as shit, have Metapod using Stringshot on that slut Jynx!