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Need help for r4 card. SAV files won\\\'t load.

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by lorik, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. lorik

    lorik New Member

    Hello. I recently finally got my R4i RTS 3ds card to work. Games play perfectly, but I don't know how to load saves. After playing games I see that a .Sav or NDS.SAV file was created, but when I go to play that game again it doesn't load the save. I was wondering how I load these saves the game creates.

    1. I don't believe my card is a clone.

    2. My SD card is not locked, and is not a fake either.

    3. Also at one point the saves were loading.

    4. lastly I am running the latest version of wood something.

    Sorry I'm kinda a noob at Flash cards. Thanks
    Post Merge: [time]1415927387[/time]
    Nevermind after moving files, when I start the card I get a black screen will be reposting to see if anyone knows how to fix. :(
    Post Merge: [time]1415956812[/time]
    No one can help? :(