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Need help for Final Fantasy X - Yunalesca & other...

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by CloudBoii12, May 11, 2008.


How would you rate FFX's difficulty??

  1. easy

    0 vote(s)
  2. hard

    0 vote(s)
  3. medium

    0 vote(s)
  4. easy, then hard

    0 vote(s)
  5. hard, than easy

    0 vote(s)
  6. it fluxuates constantly

    0 vote(s)
  7. i dont really play it mch

    0 vote(s)
  8. omg, medium, then LIKE KILLER!

    0 vote(s)
  9. KILLER, then medium

    0 vote(s)
  10. not too hard....

    0 vote(s)
  11. sorta changes early, then kills you

    0 vote(s)
  1. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    ok, hi, sorry for not being on recently, i didn't know you guys were still up and running

    ok, in final fantasy X (ps2) i am up to yunalesca, and shes DESTROYING ME!!
    I need level 2, 3, and 4 spheres, and an easy ap tip
    please note i have no ultimate weapons, am struggling in this game and have no use of the airship (i think)
    speaking of the airship, is there anyway i can use it at this point, i am stuck at the Zanarkand ruins, all the way inside and its a pain to run all the way to the calm lands or whatever....
    so please help, i apreciate pretty much and help, hint, tips or cheats

    :) THANKYOU!

    EDIT: oh and i also need to know how to get the BESTEST PLAYERS FOR BLITZBALL! and obviously, who they are, how much they cost... i have tidus, letty, wakka, rin, durran and eigaar.... its ok, i could lose anyone but tidus and wakka
    (i coudn't find the edit button) found it :)
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Well, the best blitzball players I have on my team, are Brother, Biggs, Wedge, Tidus, and this other Al Bhed guy and more. Brother is the best; extremely fast and strong with good stats, I just use Brother to attract every player and go around them and just beat them by miles and then shoot with noone to block whatsoever. Brother doesn't cost much.

    As for your Yunalesca problem, I don't remember how I beat her, and you can't get any legendary weapons at that part anyway. I remember using Tidus, Yuna, and Auron as they are the best three. Lulu sucks, I would sacrifice her for the final aeon anyday. If you manage to beat her, make sure to take the Sun Crest or whatever from the treasure chest before you leave (for Tidus's legendary). If you don't, you have to beat Dark Bahamut and trust me, that is not easy (unless you beat him with Yojimbo).
  3. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    i am using tidus yuna and auron primarilly, with kimari comin in and out often. at what stage do you recomend i ues the aeons and the overdrives??
  4. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    Please help someone, i am in dier need of help!!!!!!!!!
    soemone please help!!
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Use Yuna primarily for healing, and summoning, use regen and auto-phoenix if you have it, keep using overdrives when you get them, Tidus using cheer can help, as can haste. Keep Yuna in the back row as it will reduce the damage she takes, her attack will be weaker but since she's not attacking that isn't important. counter elemental attacks with opposite elements where possible (can't remember if she uses elemental attacks) and just get your HP as high as possible. Ill help you more when I remember how I beat her.
  6. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    can someone help??
  7. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    Please close, i have just beaten yunalesca and im OVER THE MOON!!!!!!!!
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    good work, now Sin and the final summoning await :)

    Also Omega Weapon :p

    You are extremely lucky to have the American version of FFX, here in Europe they added extra mega hard bosses called dark aeons. Dark Valefor is the only one ive managed to defeat, and I can't go on mushroom rock road without being attacked by the dark magus sisters that are already in overdrive.
  9. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    u poor bus turds....[objection]SCREW YOU SQUARE!!!
  10. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    HEY PEOPLE i need help
    where is remiem temple in ffx (obviously), i need to get the cloudy mirror from the chocobo race
    PLZ answer kwik!!!
  11. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I think its a hidden location you access by entering co-ordinates into the airship menu.
  12. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    and those would be??
  13. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    You actually uncover the co-ordinates from the blue clues in the game, but here you go.

  14. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    Heyy, umm, I need help with this game, lol, obviously

    I really need to get [triple Overdrive], [triple AP], and [Overdrive -> AP]
    could someone please tell me an EASY way to get 30 winning formulas, 10 doors to tomorrow and 50 wings to discovery

    ALSO i need to get Anima and Yojimbo and every other extra Aeon, as many as possible...

    to show you how EASY this must be, i will show you my stats:

    MAX HP
    TIDUS: 5628
    WAKKA: 4785
    AURON: 5082
    YUNA: 3885
    LULU: 3612
    KIMAHRI: 4821
    RIKKU: 2288

    MAX MP
    TIDUS: 152
    WAKKA: 210
    AURON: 180
    YUNA: 319
    LULU: 306
    KIMAHRI: 258
    RIKKU: 205

    Abilities & Specials
    TIDUS: Abilities: Delay Attack, Delay Buster, Extract Mana, Extract Speed; Specials: Flee, Cheer, Lancet, Provoke
    WAKKA: Abilities: Silence Attack, Dark Attack, Extract Mana; Specials: Pray, Aim, Lancet
    AURON: Abilities: Triple Foul, Extract Power, Power/Mental/Armour/Magic; Specials: Guard, Threaten
    YUNA: Abilities: NONE (i know, OMG); Specials: Pray
    LULU: Abilities: Extract Mana; Specials: Focus, Reflex, Jinx
    KIMAHRI: Abilities: Extract Mana/Ability, Dark Attack, Silence Attack; Specials: Steal, Use, Flee, Cheer, Luck, Jinx, Lancet, Spare Change
    RIKKU: Abilities: NONE (OMG) ;Specials: Steal, Use

    TIDUS: BLACK: NONE (close to the ga's); WHITE: Scan, Haste, Slow, Slowga
    WAKKA: BLACK: NONE; WHITE: Cura, Cure, NulBlaze/Shock/Tide/Frost, Scan, Esuna, Life, Shell
    AURON: No Magic
    YUNA: BLACK: Blizzara, Thundara, Watera, Fira (Close to the ga's, i think); WHITE: Cure, Cura, Curaga, NulBlaze/Shock/Tide/Frost, Scan, Esuna, Life, Shell, Protect, Reflect, Dispel, Regen
    LULU: BLACK: Thunder/ra, Water/ra, Blizzard/ra, Fire/ra, Bio; WHITE: Scan
    KIMAHRI: BLACK: NONE (again, trying) ;WHITE: Scan, Haste, Dispel
    RIKKU: BLACK: NONE (she has alright MP, going to find some for her....); WHITE: Cure, NulBlaze/Shock/Tide/Frost, Esuna

    TIDUS: Curative Shield; Auto-Med || Magic Defense +5% || HP +30% || HP +10%
    WAKKA: Tetra Armguard; HP +10% || HP +30% || Magic Defense +3% || Defense +3%
    AURON: Curative Bracer; Auto-Med || HP +10% || HP +30% || MP +5%
    YUNA: Tetra Ring; HP +10% || HP +30% || Defense +3% || MP +5%
    LULU: Curative Bangle; HP +10% || HP +30% || Auto-Med || MP +5%
    KIMAHRI: Tetra Armlet; HP +10% || HP +30% || Defense +3% || Magic Defense +3%
    RIKKU: Victorious; Lightningproof || Fireproof || Iceproof || HP +30%

    TIDUS: Ascalon or Avenger
    WAKKA: Buzzerbeater
    AURON: Soundless Scream
    YUNA: Rod Of Wisdom
    LULU: Magician Mog
    KIMAHRI: Dragoon Lance
    RIKKU: Hawkeye

    TIDUS: 42
    WAKKA: 29
    AURON: 43
    YUNA: 5
    LULU: 9
    KIMAHRI: 33
    RIKKU: 19

    TIDUS: 26
    WAKKA: 17
    AURON: 32
    YUNA: 17
    LULU: 33
    KIMAHRI: 22
    RIKKU: 17

    TIDUS: 9
    WAKKA: 30
    AURON: 11
    YUNA: 60
    LULU: 36
    KIMAHRI: 30
    RIKKU: 16

    Magic Defence
    TIDUS: 15
    WAKKA: 21
    AURON: 9
    YUNA: 62
    LULU: 62
    KIMAHRI: 17
    RIKKU: 10

    TIDUS: 30
    WAKKA: 23
    AURON: 12
    YUNA: 42
    LULU: 9
    KIMAHRI: 23
    RIKKU: 24

    TIDUS: 18
    WAKKA: 19
    AURON: 17
    YUNA: 25
    LULU: 17
    KIMAHRI: 18
    RIKKU: 20

    TIDUS: 25
    WAKKA: 15
    AURON: 14
    YUNA: 60
    LULU: 60
    KIMAHRI: 5
    RIKKU: 5

    TIDUS: 27
    WAKKA: 32
    AURON: 15
    YUNA: 3
    LULU: 5
    KIMAHRI: 17
    RIKKU: 8

    PS I tried to use their colours, but if i used white, then no-one would know about Yuna :p
    PPS I am using the standard sphere grid
    PPPS If your wondering why im so (excuse the language), SHIT, its coz i only found out and understood how to use the sphere grid when you fight Seymour, you know, in the temple with the guards that keep using High-Potions??? Bastards... anyway
  15. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Whoa, how long did it take you to collect all that information from your game? Anyways.. Can't believe you only started using the Sphere Grid then.. However, you should've had a lot of levels. Anyways, I'm pretty sure you can find Door to Tomorrows from Omega Ruins from Tonberry or something, unsure of the other ones.. Check gamefaqs if you need info. To get Anima, you have to go to this temple place with water (forgot), and you can only get Anima if you've gotten all of the secret treasure chests in all of the temples with the required Aeons, not Yojimbo, but Valefor, Ifrit etc. If you didn't get the secret treasure chest from Besaid Temple, you're going to have to beat Dark Valefor (if you're at that part). Yojimbo can be found at a cave or something in Calm Lands. Magus sisters are found at this temple thing in Calm Lands also, which you will need a few items to get them.
  16. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    hmm, thnx, even though it was complex...
    took me about 2 and a half hours to get the info, btw....
    anyone else willing to lend a hand

    EDIT: can everyone plz redo the poll??
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    yojimbo you have to move around the calm lands cave in a special sequence, then you have to pay him 1,000,000 gil (from memory) to join you. You can get him for less but its not a sure thing. Also he's fairly crap, when you summon him you have to pay him to attack, and there's only a small chance of him using his decent attack (Zanmato, one hit kill). The water temple annand is referring to I would think is the baaj temple.
  18. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    fankyou :) still need level up tips :S

    BTW just got Wakka's ultimate weapon, forget what its called
  19. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    g champion, I forgot where you can go to get a LOT of AP, I think it was in Omega Ruins, if you train there, you should be able to level up easily and advance your sphere grids. But judging from your current stats, I think you would probably die quite quickly. I can only have my Tidus in battle there, and he's got 37,000 or so.. There should be some enemies that will drop weapons of some sort that will have either Double AP and Triple AP.
  20. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    omega ruins is extremely high powered fiends, so be careful. Also don't use ultimate weapons while leveling because they have the no AP ability.