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Need For Speed Pro Street Hydraulics

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by dancubs, Jan 11, 2010.

  1. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    I'm stuck at the race day where you're supposed to dominate each event. And unfortunately, one of them events happens to be Hydraulics. I SUCK AT HYDRAULICS.

    Could anyone help me? I was thinking, I'd give you my .save file, whoever wants to could play it and get me past that event, then send me back the .sav file, and I'm ready to go. I'd be very thankful.

    So anyone up for it? ::)
  2. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    its a minigame like dj max eh?
    give it to a korean... they pretty good at DJ max
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Don't use racial remarks.

    Ok, as a half asian, some of us ain't bad, however I actually suck at the rythem games...

    Now for the question...

    You just gotta tap the buttons in sync with the beat, it's not that hard, and you have to do it a few times in the game...

    The ones in the events are easier than putting it out on mx difficulty...the icons start swirling, thus putting you off :(
  4. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    Mmm... I was just trying to prove a point... ive seen them play it and theyre pretty good man...
    Hmm.... Rhythm games are not my thing....
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    The typical racial thing is asians are good at rythem games, not just koreans.

    It's because they focus on the game better/are smarter/etc but not always the case, I'm an example (though my half aussie gene's may be the reason)

    Pro tip-The good thing about these games is the bass is heavy, just liten for the "doof' in the beat as normally that is when you hit the beat, the games doesn't go all that fast, but on max difficulty the button's swirl around instead of going straight, which is bloody annoying and I think anyone no matter what would struggle with this...

    The hardest and most challenging/worthy challenge EVER in a NFS game is infact not about the racing it's self :p
  6. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    well, im full asian and i suck at rhythm... whats up with that.... GOD... IM NOT GOING BACK TO THIS TOPIC
  7. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    Hey man. I'm full asian. I love Rock Band and Guitar Hero and EBA and the like. But none like this yet. This Hydraulics thang is a whole new bag. I just gotta keep at it if no one could help me with the .SAV file. :))
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Once you get the rythem going, you'd find it's not that hard.

    I will admit I haven';t finished the game, if only because when you get the skyline it tends to go too fast and...crash into the walls...thus KO-ing yourself.


    Anyway, I'm sure you'd get it, just do one of these 2 options.

    1.Play until you start cussing, rest for a week, and try again, repreat until you pass, you'd feel like a god after you finaly beat it

    2.Play in short burst, to avoid fustration, which affects judment

    Also wear headphones and feel the music...or do as I do-plug your ds to a subwoofer and enjoy yourself XD
  9. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    I cuss while I race. :)) Hmm. I haven't tried that listen to the music thang. Maybe I will. ;) Thanks.
  10. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    No wonder, the music really helps.

    If you can feel the "doof" it helps even more, the ds speakers kinda suck...wasn't until my sub was employed before I finally got the hang of it-then I just memorised the beat and could do it without sound (but 20% worse-but better than 60% from when I first tried XD)
  11. illusiongamer

    illusiongamer New Member

    hey dancubs can you upload your save file