Just found out that my R4 is a clone because it has 'upgrade' written on the card. I dont know what type of clone this is or what firmware work on it. Ive tried wood for both clones and normal R4's but neither work. Is there anything anyone can reccomend. My R4 looked completely genuine other than that: black and white and came in the green box, not a red one. Please can someone help. Its driving me crazy. I wanna play blue dragon awakening Thanx
Just buy an original R4, it's well worth it. Very cheap. 6 bucks. Also guaranteed to work with Wood if you buy it from this source. http://shoptemp.com/products/R4-DS-Revolution-Card-for-Nintendo-DS-DS-Lite-p-29.html?ref=1182 At this point there's so many clones it's almost impossible to tell what you have. About the only thing you can do at this point without buying a new R4 is downloading YSMenu.