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Need a save file for FF4 DS

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Faaiz, Sep 25, 2008.

  1. Faaiz

    Faaiz New Member

    After playing 24 hours into the game, my save file deleted magically.

    If you havnt got far into the game, and dont want a spoiler than stop reading now.

    Can someone please tell me where I can get a save file for FF4? I was up to the bit where kane leaves the party for the second time. It doesnt have to be that exact bit, a little before or after is fine.

    Alternatively, if you guys are playing the game, perhaps when you get up to that bit you can send me the save file? Thanks.
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    http://www.gamefaqs.com/ To convert them, use http://www.shunyweb.info/
  3. adriskrayzee

    adriskrayzee Well-Known Member

    I am on the part where you fight Golbez's earth minion (right after the old man uses Meteor on him), I am not sure if its the right spot for you, so let me know and I'll upload it.
  4. Faaiz

    Faaiz New Member

    To first replier:
    Already checked gamefaqs. Problem is the saves are either way ahead or way behind where I was.

    To second replier:
    No you still have got quite far to go. But please, when you get up to the bit I was, can you send me your save file? Thanks very much.

    BTW if you get a item called 'MP + Augment' make sure you only use it on your Black Mage.
  5. adriskrayzee

    adriskrayzee Well-Known Member

    I havent played in two weeks, and I dont plan on playing any time, I am very busy with school and 4 daily hours of social service, so take it or leave it.
  6. Faaiz

    Faaiz New Member

    Ok fine, in that case can you send it to [email protected]
    Thanks dude
    If any else has a better save file, please let me know!
  7. adriskrayzee

    adriskrayzee Well-Known Member

    I dont wanna bother with Hotmail so I uploaded it to Rapidshare.
  8. Faaiz

    Faaiz New Member

    Thanks buudy

    Does anyone else have a save file closer to mines?