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NDS XL Questions

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by cowcat06, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. cowcat06

    cowcat06 Well-Known Member

    Can you use all of Facebook w/the NDS XL like the chat & farmville? & Which flash cart is the best one to get to store all my games? & Can the DSI XL play GB/GBC games?(I know it can't play GBA games)
  2. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    1. You can only use Tiny FB or FB4NDS. I don't think they have Farmervillythingamaboo.

    2. Acekard 2i is best for now. Though I'm going to switch to the SuperCard DSTwo once I get it.

    3. It can play GB/GBC with the emulator lameboy .12. It will be able to play GBA games with the SuperCard DSTwo. :)
  3. Rohit117

    Rohit117 Active Member

    alright a XL is just a bigger dsi so if the dsi dosent have facebook then niether does the XL, and farmville would be unlikly, and the best cart for dsi XL's in my opinion would be Acekard 2i. you can play gbc and gb games by using a homebrew emulater, and if you wish to play gba i sugest you get iplayer or the upcoming supercard 2
  4. cowcat06

    cowcat06 Well-Known Member

    YIPEE YIPEE YIPEE GBA games FINALLY ON the DSI! I am deffinately getting the DSI XL for my birthday. ;D When does that SuperCard2 come out? & how do I set up my micro sd card so the NDS & GBA games will play? I know I need Lameboy for the GB/GBC games. I also have GBAExploader & moonshell set up on my R4. I have a NDS folder that stores all my NDS games & a GBA folder. Is the Supercad2 setup any different?
  5. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I have no clue when it's coming out and what it will be like. :)

    But here's a link where you can pre-order it.
    It's just like any other flashcart with the MicroSD card.

  6. cowcat06

    cowcat06 Well-Known Member

    Will I need a micro sd card for the Supercard2? & Is there a USA seller where I can pre-order one?
  7. m3xicanjo3

    m3xicanjo3 Well-Known Member

    actually it does have face book on it :
  8. cowcat06

    cowcat06 Well-Known Member

    When will realhotstuff.com have a pre-order for one?
  9. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Don't know...

    Maybe in a few days, or maybe never. :\
  10. cowcat06

    cowcat06 Well-Known Member

    Anyone know the exact date of when the Supercard 2 will be released? & Where can you pre-order one from a site located in the USA?
  11. FangJoka

    FangJoka New Member

  12. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    I don't know when it is coming out.
    But I know you can pre-order it from Shoptemp.com
  13. cowcat06

    cowcat06 Well-Known Member

    Is My Gaming Mart reliable? I know they are located in Canada. Has anyone pre-ordered from there?
  14. cowcat06

    cowcat06 Well-Known Member

    & I heard you can use a homebrew application to install a longer voice recorder. What is the best one?