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[NDS] Wood R4 does not recognize a .sav file.

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Gb_Ze_Kamikaze, Mar 6, 2012.

  1. Gb_Ze_Kamikaze

    Gb_Ze_Kamikaze New Member

    Hello everybody.

    I've used my R4 for some time now and I haven't always used Wood R4 Firmware to have it work (I don't really remember what I had before - Something like « R4_1.18 » or somettin'.). Lately, I have started to go over some of the games I played before turning to Wood R4 (Phoenix Wright I, II and III as well as Apollo Justice.) and I copied my .sav files I had stored on my computer to have access to all the content from the start. However, it seemed that I simply cannot access to that data : the game only proposes « New Game » and no « Continue » (Neither can I choose to start at a given case, etc.). It is as if the save file is empty - while it surely is not.
    I've already checked those :
    â™  As I possess EU (I'm French.) and US versions of some of Phoenix Wright games, I made sure I copied the EU save file to work with the EU version of the game (Respectively with US data.).
    ♠ I made sure the save file size required for the ROM was similar to the size of my save file (512K in my case.) (I did that in « File Info » menu.).
    â™  YES, I've checked both ROM and save file's names MANY times, according them to .nds.sav or .sav and .nds, testing with the various formats Wood R4 offers.

    Is there something I'm doing wrongly ? Of course I could go over these games again, but I only wish to play the last cases - And dialogues are sooooo sloooooooooow in these games.
    I hope you can help me with that. Thanks in advance !

    Edit : To make sure. I can still play the game, and it still saves correctly, but from scratch.

    (Note that if you do possess some save files with all the Phoenix Wright games completed, and are willing to share them with me, I wouldn't mind... But hey, I've got some other games down here that I might want to play again, too.)
  2. serhat359

    serhat359 Well-Known Member

    Have you tried updating your Wood R4?
    Are all of your games slow or only Phoenix Wright ones?

    These are my save files, give it a shot
  3. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Go to this page for all information about it.

    if you want a quick fix i think the problem is that wood r4 is set to .nds.sav.
    so eather convert the .savs to .nds.sav with a diamond in the topic above or go into your wood r4 option when you run it on your ds and change it to .sav.
    Remember, when playing around with your save files -backup them-
  4. Gb_Ze_Kamikaze

    Gb_Ze_Kamikaze New Member

    Thanks for the replies, I'm going to try out your saves.
    My Woody R4 is quite up-to-date (From the link above I'm at Wood R4 1.44.).
    I haven't tested my other « old » games, I guess I indeed should try them. I'll tell you the results later (Editing this post, I suppose.).

    CoolKill3r ==> I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean by « diamond ». I've looked in your link but saw nothing like a « diamond ». ^^'
    Though, yes, I've changed my option (.nds.sav ==> .sav), with no result (i.e. the game works as if my .sav file is empty.) (After what I switched back to .nds.sav to play with my other, newer games.).

    Edit : So here's the results of my second expedition.
    Your saves work very well (I tested on Apollo Justice and Justice For All : I ended at Kristoph Gavin's trial (Dat spoiler.) and the « Plead Guilty/Plead Not Guilty » part.), I thank you very much for that.
    I also tried another game (Meteos.nds) with an old save file (Meteos.sav) and this time, it worked (i.e. I could access to all I had unlocked before.). That's crazy... Oo