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NDS wish list

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by halohanh, Apr 20, 2008.

  1. halohanh

    halohanh Well-Known Member

    Hey, why don'' we make a wish list. The question is what game do you want on the DS. Tell us 3-10 games that you want but give as much as you can. Oh, and we don't talk about the language or legion of the game, just the game. So it like this if some game already out but in Japnese, don't make set the US ver of it in the wish list. I'll start. Uhm, I want:
    Super Mario Galaxy DS(another name maybe, the mew Mario would be ok)
    Super Smashbros DS
    The 2 Zelda games on the N64 ports(or a new Zelda)
    Thats' all. Plaese continue
  2. MagNetCZ

    MagNetCZ Member

    I'd second the Zelda ports but it's unlikely to happen since there weren't any N64 ports in quite some time (at least not nintendo ones)
    Also I'd love Starcraft and Extreme-G and more FPSs but C.O.R.E. and Moon might be pretty good.
  3. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    I wish I ahd the perfect pokemon game, please refer to one of my previous posts....I can't remember which...
  4. einherjar

    einherjar Well-Known Member

    Fire Emblem DS is on top of my list... Haven't heard about it for a long time... :-\
  5. Crashtehelf

    Crashtehelf Well-Known Member

    A Devil May Cry game would be kickass. Runescape graphics, classic DMC gameplay, 97% win
  6. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Runescape graphics....No..just no...
  7. Crashtehelf

    Crashtehelf Well-Known Member

    What would you expect? PSP Graphics?
  8. makewin2

    makewin2 Member

    Any fire emblem remake, preferably rekka no ken because I have recently lost my copy of it.
  9. Reemr

    Reemr Well-Known Member

    I'd like Final Fantasy 5 to be like the other FF's on the DS. It's one of my favorites, but I digress. That's pretty much all I care for.
  10. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Final Fantasy VI remake definitely.
  11. xaznwi3rd0

    xaznwi3rd0 Active Member

    Summon Night: Twin Age
    Lunar Knights 2
    Lunar Knights 3
    Lunar Knights 4
    Lunar Knights 5
    Lunar Knights 6
    Lunar Knights 7
    Lunar Knights 8
  12. Gietz

    Gietz Well-Known Member

    Fire Emblem 3 is being remade for DS. The one with Marth. It is set for release sometime this year. :)
  13. regular_gamer

    regular_gamer Active Member

    The Nintendo DS opera browser.
    I saw one copy of it in Canada, but that was before I had my DS. Now they have discontinued it here. . :-(
    I guess nintendo thinks the ds owners are all 9 years old...
  14. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    I'd also have to say a Chrono Trigger remake as well as Super Mario RPG and Crystal.
  15. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well at the time like this you would wish NDS have a better graphics.....

    anyway I really wish for a pokemon game that allow use to start at a choosen region, we can use any pokemon as we like to finish the game without having to evolve them (like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon), chance to meet anime character (and beat the crap out of them), allow us to goto other region after we beat the E4 of that region, secret base that we can battle other trainer's ghost, and we dont need to goto any pokemon event to get every pokemon in the game.
  16. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    It's on the top of mine, also. Besides that game, nothing else, really.
  17. sla03rs

    sla03rs Well-Known Member

    tekken DS

    ah... its free to dream though tekken advanced wasn't half bad
  18. ryu1996

    ryu1996 Member

    id say dota ds its perfect with the touch screen i mean thing of it ;D
  19. sla03rs

    sla03rs Well-Known Member

    no hot keys would suck ass
  20. questXtreme

    questXtreme Active Member

    A Marvel vs Capcom DS would be nice.

    And of course,I hope that the Bleach 4th(if there is one)would be like the first 2,arcade fighters,but with major improvements.Those 2 games are already very good,and I'm not requesting an improvement on graphics.I wish that the 4th one will have no lag in the wifi battles,and the ultimate attacks(the bankais),will have a 2d animation cutscene,not just a slideshow,and improve Ichigo's bankai,longer bankai duration and less damage.

    And,a good Kateikyoshi Hitman Reborn fighting game.The previous ones were absolutely crap.

    A perfect Pokemon game,like Kamage mentioned,and please Game Freak,don't name the sequel of DP Platinum...it sounds like crap...

    Oh ya,and a remake of Final Fantasy 7.People say its the best one out,but I never played it.

    And,a Halo DS and a Crisis Core sequel.