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NDS Team games

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by trying hard, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. trying hard

    trying hard New Member

    Hi guys.
    New to the forum etc etc.
    Straight to the point:
    The rug rats and I are looking for a NDS team game we can multi play.
    We dont want a TEAM theme like a tag team... we want to all play at the same time as a part of the TEAM.
    We are wanting something in which we play as a TEAM and not against each other.

    Would like to give Gauntlet a try or something along those lines.

    What are your suggestions?

    To date, I think the NDS is a wonderful way of turning sibblings against one another further than ever b4.

    Nintendo has created a wonderful array of games but they all seem to be limited to a collection of 2 or 3 simular themes changed only with different backgrounds and characters etc.

    There is a big void in TEAM orientated games, and the abilities on most forums etc to search for multi player or team are limited.

    Does the NDS have any potential as being socially involving or is it to remain an anti social device?
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    There ain't many team up games-at least wirelessly...

    But there is way's around it-but requires co-ordination...

    I was once part of a gaming clan-we just tried to beat everyone online (mario kart ds, metroid prime hunters, tetris, etc) and to keep tab's on who's about we'd all have part of our clan's name in our online names.

    If we happened to get into a random match agaisn't each other we'd play by the book-and play hard ;)

    Unfortunatly, there isn't much-metroid prime hunters has teams-but from memory it's online offline or if you have other's friend code's online (I think...)

    Prehaps...pokemon I guess-share your pokemon (monstors) and of course vs each other-but it's the social aspect that may catch-you don't have to just vs each other.

    Other than those there ain't much in co-op/team based games...that I know of (me and my brother never got along so we just had single player games or just avoided vs'ing each other-he'd always loose anyway XD)
  3. yilser

    yilser New Member

    the best ones i can think off the top of my head that worth playing are

    1) Mario cart (of course a ds must have)
    b or was it 2) Metriod hunters (fps is fun and this works well on ds)
    c or 3) Advance wars (either one is good)
    4 or d or those little iv foot notes) age of empires (pretty fun)

    i know there are others but im to lazy to google them
  4. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    There's an ample TEAM based games in DS. Here are some of my recommendations:
    *this is not in order*

    1. Advance Wars - Dual Strike
    2. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time
    3. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Rings of Fate
    4. Contra 4
    5. Mario Kart
    6. Nanostray
    7. Nanostray 2
    8. Ragnarok Online (though it's still in japanese)
    9. Advance Wars - Days of Ruin
    10. Dokapon Journey (it's more like a child's boardgame with an RPG element with it. This may not be the optimal TEAM based you are referring to.)
  5. Shiokazu

    Shiokazu Well-Known Member

    nobody talked about Kingdom hearts

    try Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days too
  6. trying hard

    trying hard New Member


    Thanx for all the replies.

    If nothing else, I think these lists will keep us busy... for now.

    Cheers and thanx. ;D ;D