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NDS section possible solution

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by gamerace19, Jun 18, 2010.

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  1. gamerace19

    gamerace19 Well-Known Member

    Hmm, I've been thinking if it is just the loss of sales that is the problem then, rather than remove all the Esa Roms would it not make more sense to remove ALL the new roms?

    By that I mean removing the rom downloads for games that are still produced and sold in retail stores. Leaving the games that are no longer sold in retail or produced, for downloading.

    This would effectively keep the nds section alive and at the same time save the esa's problem by killing the loss of sales
    (since you can't lose retail sales if the games sold at retail are undownloadable at least from this site)

    This would still possibly kill the sales for secondary sales sites like Gamestop/ebgames but the developers don't get any money from secondary sales anyways.
  2. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Not just the loss of sales, but rather the increase in piracy.
  3. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    its something that maybe could be negotiated with esa but i dont see it happening.
    its actually a good idea because the DS would still sell and nintendo could only MAKE money from it
  4. gamerace19

    gamerace19 Well-Known Member

    Let's be truthful the only reason they care about the increase in piracy if the loss of money that comes with it

    the loss of sales is directly related to increase in piracy if piracy did not result in sales losses they likely wouldn't care about it hence the reason for my posting this as a solution, (negate loss of sales = no reason for complaints)
  5. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    The ESA's anti-piracy policy explicitly dictates that even piracy of abandonware is unacceptable.

    Besides, piracy doesn't just mean less profit for the developers. Brick and mortar stores also lose money, and everyone involved in production or distribution has wasted their resources on a product not purchased. However slight, there's a snowball effect on the economy.

    As you can see, this is unfortunately an unfeasible solution.
  6. gamerace19

    gamerace19 Well-Known Member

    No actually I don't see it, If developers do not lose money from sales losses then the stores that distribute them don't either, however I am speaking only for issues related to this site, not the issue as a whole.

    even if this does not get put into effect there are still a myriad other ways and place to get the roms without charge, and as for piracy as a whole its not so much the piracy itself but the people that use it explicitly to avoid having to pay for the game at all

    for myself i tend to dl and play older games (abandonware) and should I like them I buy them(when i can afford it and can find it)albeit i buy them used
    (gamestop edge member ftw or actually its powerup rewards now)

    It is when those who use piracy to avoid having to buy the game at all that causes problems rather than those who use it as a means to decide whether or not the game is worth buying

    As far as economy goes, for all the Hem and hawing over piracy developers and stores STILL get profit from their games(provided the game is good) if it were any different there would be game stores closing left and right and as far as i know they are still going strong

    In the end talking about economics is useless in relation to piracy since the economy is just fine with it, as i said a bit ago the only reason piracy is a big issue is because people want more profit than they already have(it's human nature)
  7. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    I was explaining why the ESA would never agree to your idea to begin with. It's not just about the loss of sales; any responsible entity knows to take into account the bigger picture of society.

    My first point still stands, too. The ESA doesn't give a damn about your or anyone else's excuses; piracy is piracy.
  8. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member


    Read tehuber's post.
  9. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    ...because some people are greedy and all they want is money, not giving a damn about giving handheld entertainment to people who can only find joy in videogames.
    Part removed for being invalid.
    A partial lie. RomUlation (or ROMS in general) is the reason why many people buy Nintendo DS consoles or any other console in the first place.
    RomUlation is giving people a chance to try the games first before buying it. It is not Seph's fault, as he, too, suggested that we buy the kick-ass game we've tried as a ROM. It is the downloader's choice too keep the game or buy it. I don't buy games in the Philippines because they are overpriced, in my opinion.
    So yeah, ESA screwed up, they angered some people.
  10. roosjes4live

    roosjes4live Active Member

    if my game was put on a site wit 20000 downloads, I'd think "Hey, they seem to like it" am i wrong?
    I don't think things like this will work. AP doesn't work either, people are always better..

    why don't just admit their games are 'stolen'?
  11. Dannysikth

    Dannysikth Well-Known Member

    Is the ESA a US company only?? I googled them (I'd never heard of them before yesterday) and this is (hopefully the correct company) their anti-piracy page http://www.theesa.com/policy/antipiracy.asp
    Their aim is to attack and reduce global entertainment software piracy, estimated to cost the U.S.

    I don't live in the US and RomU has a European server. Need I say more?
    I think they took advantage of Seph's good nature. But thanks Seph and everyone at Romulation for letting me try games before buying :)

    I bought all the DS Ace Attorney games (some pre-owned) because I tried them first. Now I won't buy any DS games any more. I'm saving up for some new shoes instead :p
  12. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    everyone should go out of their way to never buy a ds game again, or at worse buy them 2nd hand.
    spend 15 mins googling for that rom, or look in the share section you will find it eventually.
    force nintendo to rethink, games that are no longer been produced should be available for download
  13. karf

    karf New Member

    hey, hey, hey
    what it means?
    does nds rom will be deleted from site and we can't download them?
    whaaaaaaaaaaaa this is terrible((((((((((
  14. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Your post are invalid retail wise.

    Crappy games aren't meant for us, but for kids and gullible parents, and the people who make these games need the money.

    Cost to make the game (supplies, staff wages, stuff to make the games) and distribution cost, plus most retail stores selling these buff the price to cover the staff wages, advertising for the game (also done by game makers, etc).

    And even SNES games have an effect, virtual console sales would be lowered, plus second hand dealers are effected.

    And from my experience, alot of the games we got from the phillopines are fake games themselves (I tried dumping them, failed dumps, plus the fact that my copy of pokemon sapphire was a gray cart makes it suspect...as well as a ds game I found in a retail store).

    It affects world wide, I say this because...while they focus on US, rom sites like romulation sends them WORLD WIDE.

    What needs to be done is for EVERY game to be made to have a demo made...thing is...

    No parent wants their kids to trial "my little pony", and thus many go for piracy to get them cheap....alot of the user's here are comming to SAVE money from game cost.

    The games dumped here are fully functional games, if the code was altered so it's only giving demo access...I'd say that be ok.

    Instead, we by pass the AP which in some cases, leaves games in demo like states ie no save functions...

    In reality, we brought this on ourselves, it's onyl a matter of time before romU ends up like another rom site of a simerlar name (all nintendo/konami titles are removed, leaving the shovel ware of nes games)
  15. gamerace19

    gamerace19 Well-Known Member

    See thing is turning them into demo wouldn't really work either even if Romu did that plenty of people can Undo the cutdown to demo or would just find alternate methods of acquiring them, anyways I'm done here although any more thoughts on this is preferred just posted it as an idea I had cause i like RomU and losing its nds would cause alot of damage IMO (compare nds downloads vs other systems)
  16. hegyak

    hegyak Member

    Just because there are no more NDS roms, here does not mean no NDS roms elsewhere. Beat down one, two take it's place.
  17. awesomebros

    awesomebros Well-Known Member

    What happens to the market for used and old games?
  18. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Just saying this... I still see games like Electroplankton, Yoshi Touch and Go, and Mario Kart being sold in retail stores NEW. since those are some of the oldest games, I'd think all games are being sold new someplace. Like Amazon or Play-Asia.
  19. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    i bet they are just old stock, maybe? probably not produced anymore
  20. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Meh, maybe. But I swear I (think) I saw ElectroPlankton a Toys R Us a year ago when I was buying my nephew a present for his B-Day... Wouldn't they clear it out during inventory?
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