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NDS Lite Battery Life

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by steirina, Oct 2, 2009.

  1. steirina

    steirina Active Member

    I've heard varying reports of battery life for the NDS Lite, ranging from four hours to nineteen hours, and this takes into account system settings [brightness, sound, wifi-usage et cetera].

    However, with my NDS Lite, I only get six hours at the most, and that's with brightness set at the lowest, with no sound and no wifi usage. I'm wondering why my DS Lite has such a short battery life, and what I can do to fix it.
    If it affects anything, I'm using an EDGE and an adapter with my charger [I'm assuming the charger is original since it came with the box. The adapter is generic, but one I need since the charger isn't compatible with the sockets I have at home.]
  2. koyuchan

    koyuchan Well-Known Member

    Well I don't use any application to make the battery life longer, but I usually play without voice while I'm not at home .
    It saves even a bit of battery life ;)
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    The adapter may be one factor in reduced life span.

    Is the battery official?

    Is the system second hand?

    And when charging...explain the routine-it may determin what may have happened.

    I had to change mine-poor charging procedure (half charges, etc) killed it off.

    And NEVER use anything other than nintendo products for hardware-software is ok but say batteries, chargers etc can ruin systems.
  4. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    Check here

    I don't think the adapter/charger would make any difference.

    I use a non nintendo charger and see no difference, why would that be the case?
  5. steirina

    steirina Active Member

    koyuchan: Without voice? Do you mean without sound? As I said, I hardly ever have sound on it at all, since I'm more accustomed to playing without it.

    mds64: The NDS Lite is first-hand; I bought it myself. That was a year ago, though. But the battery life has always been the same as far as I can recall.
    As far as I know, the battery should be official, though I can't take it apart myself to check since I void the store's [where I bought it from] warranty if I do.
    As for charging, I charge whenever the battery goes red. Hardly ever when the battery is still yellow [except for cases where I know it only has an hour before going red and I want to take it out with the the next morning].

    usoppu: Thanks for the FAQ.
    Do you know what it means by "this can also vary depending on the type of game activity", though? I mostly play RPGs, but right now I'm playing Nintendogs because we're having such a dry season.

    And thank you for all the replies. ~
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Hrm, if it's new (or first hand) then it would be official.

    My guess is poor charging habits.

    Just some tips for the next time...

    1.Always charge a new console/battery before use-never use it until it's done charging.

    2.Don't unplug and play while half charged, playing while charging is fine, but don't unplug when it not fully powered up.

    3.Avoid letting it heat up or freeze (sounds dumb but batteries tend to lower in life with these extermes-my battery has gone due to how hot it always is in my room)

    Other than those tips I have no idea why it's died.

    The batteries are meant to last 500 charges just to add-prehaps you reached that quickly.
  7. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    The backlight makes a HUGE difference to battery life, and if you use the lowest setting you het used to it, so everyone should use it.
  8. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    the only other things I can think of right now are; amount of onscreen activity, 3d, use of mircrophone etc.., hardly things you should have to worry about though.
    '19hrs' is probally an exaggeration, I don't think i've ever reached close to that amount myself, maybe they based it on switching it on and leaving it idle with the lowest brightness settings =/
  9. steirina

    steirina Active Member

    mds64: I do all those things, though: the first time I got it, I made sure I fully charged it before using it; I never unplug it while it's still charging; the places where I keep it are mildly hot or cool at best.
    Although I got it a year ago, I'm sure that I haven't charged it five hundred times. I only charge it once each day at most, and I don't charge it daily.

    someirishkid: As I said, I use the lowest brightness setting on it. ~

    ussopu: I hardly ever play games that are that taxing on the system, though. Most of what I play are things like TWEWY or FFTA2.
    I'm not even aiming for the nineteen hours, really; I'd be happy with ten. xp
  10. Shiokazu

    Shiokazu Well-Known Member

    my max of hours are kinda... 16 hours of initerrupt gameplay.

    seriously no breaks. brightness on low and sound on max.

    but i believe that without sound i can play even more,oh yes,remenber the batery life depends in what game you're playing, and what features the game uses.