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[NDS] KINGDOM HEARTS Re: coded (EU) problem.

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Scent, May 4, 2014.

  1. Scent

    Scent Active Member

    Salutations. I am experiencing what may seem as some technical difficulties. Yesterday I was playing KH alright, but today, when I try to load the ROM, NO$GBA gives me this:


    I deleted the emulator's .ini file to see if the settings were corrupt, to no avail. I loaded another ROM and it did so successfully. I restarted the computer, and the problem persists. I think this might be an issue with the file's save file, but I do not wish to lose it. Is there anyway to preserve the save data?
  2. Blazemax

    Blazemax Well-Known Member

    I hate to say it you probably will have to start over, BUT i do have 2 ideas that might help. #1 Use No$zoomer and try it with that version(its what i use). Just dump the sav file in the BATTERY folder and it might work(or might not/$#IT happens) #2 Convert your sav file using the online converter for No$gba to the Raw format [auto detection] sav, to see if it helps.(i use shunyweb savegames converter online site/use google to find it since i dont know about outside link rules) Odds are neither will work and you will have to delete your sav and start over(course im sure the same problems will again). Emulators are not perfect.
  3. Scent

    Scent Active Member

    *sigh* Issue persists even with your recommendations. Thanks for helping.


    Forget what I said, it worked! :D
    I converted my save to raw like you said. Thank you.
  4. Blazemax

    Blazemax Well-Known Member

    Im glad it worked out :) it was a long shot but glad it worked out. i know no$ has issues and can corrupt a save file.