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NDS Future Titles?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by billy-bobjr, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. billy-bobjr

    billy-bobjr Active Member

    Soo, i was thinking, when the 3DS comes out, how long will nintendo release ds games for?
    And if so will they release games on both 3DS and NDS platforms?
    Just Curious.
  2. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    The DS is dying. It won't be like the PS2
  3. Arcwolf09

    Arcwolf09 Guest

    Also so many NDS threads. Its ok if you post something this similar in other threads.
  4. billy-bobjr

    billy-bobjr Active Member

    Oh well, Thanks anyway.
  5. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    There will still be NDS games, BUT it will be nothing but shovelcrap and compilations of old games, nothing to look forward to.
  6. j c 2000

    j c 2000 Well-Known Member

    Oh so you are that OKAMIDEN and KINGDOM HEARTS are being stop mid producting so some rich kids.That can even buy a 3ds won't miss out?
    Post Merge: [time]1286580412[/time]
    Heck if anything I am thinking how i can keep my ds and buy a 3DS.So i don't miss out on any games.
  7. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    ...i'm not sure what this post even means
    type the whole thing again so i can understand it please.

    I'm saying: everything apart from the shovelware ds titles will dry out and eventually stop completely, they'll start to produce for the 3ds only soon after it's out.
    Right now there's a few good ds games to still wait for. They won't suddenly cancel these for 3ds versions if that's what you're saying, the 3ds can play ds games anyway.
  8. billy-bobjr

    billy-bobjr Active Member

    What i'm trying to figure out is if the NDS line will continue after the 3DS comes out. ex. PS2 and the PS3.
  9. koolenergy

    koolenergy Well-Known Member

    i doubt it look at gba now... it uded to hsve good games to but what now
  10. hlw_rocer

    hlw_rocer Well-Known Member

    thats basically going back to ps1
  11. Zaertix

    Zaertix Well-Known Member

    The GBA has been dead for over 2 years now. But it lasted about 3 years into DS release
  12. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    Lol. I bought a GBASP a few years ago; and like a few months later DS was first released. Now I boughta NDS and a 3DS is coming out?
    Screw Nintendo. I'm gonna buy a PSP dammit.
  13. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    It's because you never think before you buy XD I waited for years for the DS to be released before I buy it ;D
  14. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    Each generation of NDS has 3 consoles in them. They're all just normal ones with minimal improvements. Every like one or 2 years, wtf? Especially the last one, where you can't play the new games with the old consoles.
  15. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    I was responding to the quoted post, not you lol
    I told you what i thought would happen already.
    Try to name any good games released in that time period though.
    Do you have any clue as to when the DS was first released (2004/2005). So, you brought an SP then did you? FAIL, and you just brought the DS now... PURE FAIL.
    Go ahead and buy a PSP, who the fuck cares lol, it's just yet another fail decision by you.
    What's your point? who's forcing you to buy these. To me, the DSi was nothing but a failed anti piracy attempt, under the guise of adding 'new'(useless) features. The support for it was shit at best, there was no way i'd be buying one.
  16. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    So the 3DS will come out in February in Japan, and March in Western Territory in 2011. From then on, I assume Nintendo will still be supporting releases and making them as well for at least a year into that for the DS.

    Tell me to read all the posts, I already did. But I guess it's safe to say you were jumping the gun going with a statement like this. No one can tell for sure if it will all be shovelware and compilations. There could still be new and original games that could be really good that comes out that late into the DS' life and they might put a good end to the DS while consumers gradually warm up to the 3DS.

    Thread starter, I can try to answer your questions.

    At least 6 months to a year into the 3DS' existence, Nintendo will still release DS games, to the question if they will be good or not, still can't tell.

    Nintendo will release DS games and 3DS games at the same time within these time frames, under normal circumstances, ie. no delays, no cancellations, etc.
  17. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    The DS actually has heaps of life in it. It's by no means a dying a console.

    Just because a new console is being released, it doesn't mean support for its predecessor is stopped. In fact due to the massive amount of DS hardware sales, ease and low cost of developing DS games; there's no reason to cut support for it.

    I can still see the DS around for at least 1-2 years. Especially with the most likely support of original DS games on 3DS, there's even more reason to keep the development of DS games alive.
  18. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    I don't think so. DS games are too easily pirated, i can imagine them cutting support for it sooner than you think.
  19. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    We'll see then.

    Nintendo aren't stupid, they're not going to just drop support for a highly successful console that is in the hands of well over 100 Million gamers for a console that is really expensive and will have a low amount of games in its initial stages.
  20. Apacar2

    Apacar2 Active Member

    Well it's like the old handhelds.
    When the Gameboy Advance was released the Gameboy collor games died right?
    And when the NDS was released the GBA games died as well.
    Well the chance is big that the NDS games disappear as well.
    And after the release of the Nintendo 3DS there are only gonna be 3D games released.
    And the NDS can't support 3D so, i think the answer is pretty easy.