I have the rom, and played it on my AK2i running AKAIO 1.7.1. It booted normally and I got to play one whole game with it. And then I turned it off. I choose to see my menu with internal names, to avoid seeing the release numbers. So when I booted up my AK2i after a few hours, AKAIO recognized the NDS file named FIFA11.nds as a Nintendo DS Program File with a DS icon, which is obviously not FIFA 11. Prior to this AKAIO recognized FIFA 11 as FIFA 11, with it's icon. But when I changed my menu file view mode, it still stated that it was indeed the file named FIFA11.nds, but I couldn't play it. I checked the game folder on my microsd on my laptop, and saw that the game had 2 .SAV files and 1 .sav file. AKAIO uses .sav files. This is very confusing. What could be wrong?