so i when i log in i always look at the most downloaded games and i saw that pokemon platinum has gotten over 50 more downloads since the DS roms were blocked.. its was at 453,226 for the past couple weeks and now its at 453,279... whats up with that?
Completely different question. Might want to try reading what he said next time. @OP: I'm pretty sure it increases every time someone clicks the download tab so that would be why that's increasing.
Nah. It doesn't. We cache pretty aggressively so it might update after being cached. If it still happens at this point then please do let us know as that'd show something is wrong.
My front page shows the Pokemon Platinum downloads at 453,317. I did not see what it was shown on my front page at when this topic was created, but the number is higher now than what this user saw.
thanks btw ive read that the N64 and Playstation roms are blocked to ... is there anything what you CAN download on this site ? xD
There are threads that i have linked them up
it'd suck alot more if you couldnt go to the site period. im sure things will get better if not, im betting there is someone on the forums here that will have the game{s} you're looking for so cheer up RomUlation isnt dead it just got its knee caps shot off