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[NDS] Call of Duty Modern Warfare: Mobilized [U]

Discussion in 'Cheats & Hints' started by Albert X, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. Albert X

    Albert X Well-Known Member

    This is my full version of call of duty modern warfare mobilized cheats and hints.

    ;Game ID: C62E-E493403C
    ;Call of Duty Modern Warfare: Mobilized (U)

    <Misc Codes:>

    <(Doesn't Prevent Instant Death)>

    [Infinite Health]
    94800004 fffe0000
    020894e4 e5812138
    020894ec e1a00fc2
    d2000000 00000000

    <(Doesn't Prevent Instant Death)>

    [Infinite Health (Alt)]
    94800004 fffe0000
    621fe7c0 00000000
    b21fe7c0 00000000
    00000138 000c8000
    d2000000 00000000

    [Infinite Ammo]
    1207e8b8 00000000

    [Infinite Reload]
    02080734 e3a01000

    [Infinite Grenades]
    1207ed84 00000000

    <(L+R+UP ON, L+R+Down OFF)>

    [Walk Through Walls/Invincible]
    94800004 fffe0000
    94000130 000000bf
    020f1754 e3a01005
    d2000000 00000000
    94800004 fffe0000
    94000130 0000007f
    020f1754 03a01000
    d2000000 00000000

    [Debug:Model Viewer]
    021a7790 021ad534

    [All Levels/Difficulties Open]
    021f4a8c ffffffff

    [All Challenges/Extras Open]
    121f4aa2 00000fff
    221f4a9f 000000ff


    <Jump Codes:>



    94800004 fffe0000
    94000136 fffe0000
    621fe7c0 00000000
    b21fe7c0 00000000
    d9000000 00000040
    d4000000 00000020
    d6000000 00000040
    d2000000 00000000


    94800004 fffe0000
    94000130 ffbf0000
    621fe7c0 00000000
    b21fe7c0 00000000
    d9000000 00000040
    d4000000 00000020
    d6000000 00000040
    d2000000 00000000

    <(L to go up, R to disable)>

    94800004 fffe0000
    94000130 fdff0000
    020e9e54 e3a00000
    020e9de8 e3a00000
    d2000000 00000000
    94800004 fffe0000
    94000130 feff0000
    020e9e54 e5810040
    020e9de8 e58e0040
    d2000000 00000000
    94800004 fffe0000
    94000130 fdff0000
    621fe7c0 00000000
    b21fe7c0 00000000
    d9000000 00000040
    d4000000 00000010
    d6000000 00000040
    d2000000 00000000

    <(R to go up, L to disable)>

    94800004 fffe0000
    94000130 feff0000
    020e9e54 e3a00000
    020e9de8 e3a00000
    d2000000 00000000
    94800004 fffe0000
    94000130 fdff0000
    020e9e54 e5810040
    020e9de8 e58e0040
    d2000000 00000000
    94800004 fffe0000
    94000130 feff0000
    621fe7c0 00000000
    b21fe7c0 00000000
    d9000000 00000040
    d4000000 00000010
    d6000000 00000040
    d2000000 00000000


    <Max Health Codes:>

    [Twice More Health]
    021fe7b4 00190000

    [8 Times More Health]
    021fe7b4 00320000

    [10 Times More Health]
    021fe7b4 007d0000

    [Hard: Half Health]
    021fe7b4 00064000

    [Hard: 1/8 Health]
    021fe7b4 00032000


    <Password - Unlock Survival Mode (Until Turn Off):>

    <Select, L, R, Select, Y, Y, X, R, L, X, R, Y>

    <First go into the War Room from the Main Menu.>

    <Then go into the Options screen.>

    <In the Options screen type in the password.>

    <The downside to the password is that it only lasts until you turn the game off.>

    <Once you turn the game on again, you must re-enter the code and any progress made before will be lost.>




    <Guns (Multiplayer):>


    <Allied Faction:>

    <1.M4 with Red Dot Scope>

    <Get 50 kills>

    <2.AA12 Automatic Shotgun>

    <Get 100 kills>

    <3.P90 Sub Machine Gun>

    <Get 300 kills>

    <8.M249 SAW Machine Gun>

    <Get 500 kills>


    <Enemy Faction:>

    <1.Skorpion Machine Pistol>

    <Get 50 kills>

    <2.AN94 Assault Rifle>

    <Get 100 kills>

    <3.Steyr AUG A3>

    <Get 300 kills>

    <8.Heckler-Koch HK MG4>

    <Get 500 kills>


    <Bonus Modes:>

    <1.Arcade Mode>

    <Beat campaign on regular or hardened difficulties>

    <2.Mini-game Mode>

    <Beat campaign on any of the three difficulties>

    <3.Survival Mode>

    <Beat the game on it's hardest difficulties>


    <Credits to Albert Lov for the cheats>
  2. azlanshah

    azlanshah Well-Known Member

    IS there any codes for like ummm all guns unlocked?
  3. Albert X

    Albert X Well-Known Member

    uhh... im not sure about that, sorry :(
  4. Albert X

    Albert X Well-Known Member