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NDS browser

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by amatsusah, Dec 21, 2008.

  1. amatsusah

    amatsusah Active Member

    is it possible to run nintendo ds browser with r4? and what is this memory expansion thingy? anyone have a hint?
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    You need to a Slot 2 flashcart to be able to use the Opera DS Browser. Once you get one, then post back.
  3. Sbf93

    Sbf93 Well-Known Member

    Thre are good homebrew-browsers which doesnt need a ram-expansion, try DS Organize or OKiwi
  4. amatsusah

    amatsusah Active Member

    thanks for ur help is it there on romulation?
  5. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Not the homebrew.
  6. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    There's one called Bunjalloo or something like that, I've tried it and it's about as much "alpha" as you can get on a browser :/ Still waiting for Firefox on NDS. That WILL be the day, I suppose :p .
  7. amatsusah

    amatsusah Active Member

    nds organiser works well the only drawback is that it is unable to view large images or vids
  8. amatsusah

    amatsusah Active Member

    i hope that firefox ds wont need any expansion pack so it would work with my r4
  9. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    You can't stream on the DS.. There is no Firefox on DS.
  10. amatsusah

    amatsusah Active Member

    theres a rumor of it on some sites ;D
  11. r4man89

    r4man89 Active Member

    For the R4

    1 The rom
    2 Either an Ewin Expansion Pack or an EzFlash 3 in 1
    3 Get the Loader for which ever you are using and install
    4 Do some research/use the product to get to know the ins and outs

    Bout it.
  12. ericling

    ericling Member

    Can Romulation put a r4 version of ds browser?
    That no need the expansion memory.....
    Hope there will be...
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    not possible, it needs expansion memory in some shape or form, whether it be the official pak or a slot 2 flashcart. It will not run otherwise.
  14. arkStormer

    arkStormer Member

    If you are having trouble finding the homebrew apps mentioned by Sbf93, you can find them on gbatemp.net, both Okiwi and DS Organize are there in the NDS Homebrew Application download area
  15. Un4goten_Syn

    Un4goten_Syn Member

    Thats not entirely true, you can use Opera in a Slot-1 Flascart, you just won't be able to do anything more then turn it on really. So without some form of Ram-Expansion, it's really useless. I tried to use Opera once before without the Expansion and it didn't work so I gave up on it and decided to use Ds Organize instead.
  16. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    ^Which was what I was meaning. You won't be able to use it. You will still need a Slot 2 device to use it, like I said. And I didn't say that you needed a Slot 2 to hold the Opera ROM.

    So, that was kind of pointless.
  17. Un4goten_Syn

    Un4goten_Syn Member

    Somethings in life aren't meant to have a point. That was one of them.
  18. 2Blubber2

    2Blubber2 Member

    I like bunjaloo better than dsOrganize. DsOrganize just loved to freeze on me. Bunjaloo doesn't. As a matter of fact, I'm using it right now.
    *posted using bunjaloo*
  19. Un4goten_Syn

    Un4goten_Syn Member

    by Freeze, do you mean you kept on getting a Guru Meditation Error?