Release Number: 2039 Genre: Action Adventure > Historic Developer: Gameloft ESRB Rating: T Release Dates: 02/05/08 US 03/27/08 AU 03/28/08 EU I'm going to be doing a review on this game so here goes. This is my first review so don't kick me if I didn't write the review properly then I will change it. Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles which is made by Ubisoft and Gameloft isn't the sequel or port of the PS3 and X360 games, it's a prequel, using the same character and assassin like playing style. You play as the assassin Altair, whose task is to retrieve a artifact called the Chalice which results in the assassins battle with the Templars. Presentation: 7/10 - Pretty good, the menus aren't too bad except having to tap the touch screen to change equipped items, very annoying in some cases. Didn't like the menu being used from the touch screen. The story is pretty good but you know how the story is going to turn out at the end, no hidden storylines like in RPGs. Graphics: 6/10 - Graphics are okay, not superb, water looks fake, and the environment is static looking, not really cleaned up, but lots of DS games are like that. Fire looks pretty good though. Sound: 7/10 - The music is set to the 12th century theme, arabic style keeps you in the mood especially when you get caught. Sound effects could have been a bit better. Got annoyed with the grunts of the enemies. Gameplay: 8/10 - In this game, it's pretty much point A to B, you cannot explore different areas and towns and you always have a task set to you, no figuring out where to go. No sidequests or anything, pretty much a very controlled game. This game kind of reminds of Prince of Persia since the style and theme are alike. You move in a 3d environment, where you beat up baddies, jump from rooftop to rooftop, climb walls and cross beams. There are many traps to avoid such as spikes etc. and this game also requires a bit of thinking in order to pass the traps safely. There are also certain things to do to get further in the game such as stealing keys from peoples 'sacks' and hurting them in pressure points to make them reveal information. Certain parts will leave your heart pumping. Fighting is easy, not quick as most of the time the guards block a lot. The sword and health upgrades add a nice touch, but you won't really feel the difference in your sword's power. Movement is a bit constricted. The extra equipment were a good idea such as the bomb, grappling hook and the bow. Good idea with the orbs but they could have made the health orbs as fruit etc. and put them in crates to make it harder. Lasting Appeal: 5/10 - Fun at first, only about 4-5 hours to complete, but not fun enough to make you choose a different difficulty mode and play again because the storyline doesn't change with each mode like some games. No sidequests - could have made it a bit more interesting. Total: 33 - Nothing too bad about it but nothing too good about it either. Get it if you like action games or if you're a big fan of Assassin's Creed or if you're looking for some fun for one or two days. A short gameplay video. - anandjones