Prob being stupid but recently noticed more games are coming in ND5 format when I download them so I change them to NDS then extract to my micro SD card. However when try to load game get Rom error code 4 and ideas why?
There's no such thing as a ND5 format. They're just there to throw off the uploading sites. Changing the name should work - unless the rom is faulty. Are you using TTDS / haven't update firmware for a long time?
Yeah using TTDS card sorry. And nope haven't updated firmware in a year or so take it thats best rout to go down?
you need to rename the file from nd5 to nds. and you card has been updated. but not officially. you need to get ttmenu/ysmenu:
.ND5 files cant be loaded. They where .NDS before but to not let them be deleted from the internet people rename it to .ND5! Just rename then .ND5 extension to .NDS and it done.
And click on 'OK' if any other screen pop up about 'ARE YOU SURE, (...)THIS MIGHT NOT WORK ANYMORE' (I hope you weren't that big of a noob but just to be sure)