I'm trying to run the DS ROM Naruto Shippuden Ninjutsu Zenkai Chakrush on my No$gba emulator. I don't have any patches on the emulator or the rom. When I start up the rom on the emulator, this screen comes up: I'm using a Dell Latitude D620 laptop pc running windows XP. specs are: Intel Core 2 T5500 @ 1.66GHz 981MHz, 1.99 GB of RAM I'm guessing the problem is that the game has copyright protection and I don't have the patch for it. But since the game's not listed in the DS copyright protected games sticky thread I wanted to ask to make sure.
Since I can't read Japanese, I can only assume that those message is related to save type issue. Change your NDS Cartridge Backup Media to 'Auto' if you're using no$gba2.6a, if not download the full package from here.