Okay some of the topic's names are missing. For example if you go on Site Support and u look down a bit. You'll see a topic made by Yoshiflip but there's no name. Also you can not access the topic. Since it has no name and also for me it doesn't have the sign New to it because I've already looked at it before. Also the same thing has happened to a topic in KazoWar's pokemon Hack thread. The topic is created by Rykin122 So yeah just letting you know.
I see the topics. Both of them have an odd character in them though. Maybe that is why you can't see them? Which browser are you using?
i dont see the name of the thread made by yoshiflip too i use firefox maybe its because of the characters on the name?
I see the same issue, I'd doubt yoshi would use anything other than english, he may be dutch but he knows it's english here XD
No I did a long time ago. RomUlation has been using UTF 8 for a long time. Which is also why you can post stuff like this: æ¼¢å—
Firefox Also I now see the name of the topic that Yoshiflip started. But I still can not see the one started by Rykin122 in KazoWAR's Pokemon Translation Project