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Name the first rom you ever played!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rockstar99, Sep 4, 2007.

  1. Rockstar99

    Rockstar99 Well-Known Member

    Im interested in these; Name the first rom you ever played AND how did u get into roms and emulators! ;) ;D

    My first rom would have to be pokemon emerald (or one of the pokemon games ??? :p)

    I got into roms from school, we have blocked sites on our internet so we cant play games so we got bored and my friend brought his USB to school and showed me VBA and a pokemon game and now its on nearly every computer at school! (saved to the hard drive so the IT man has trouble finding it);D ;D
    but usually on our USBS (to be safe)

    So now you have heard my story please share what your first rom was! oh and if you got a good story you can say it! i dont mind
  2. tranminhquang93

    tranminhquang93 New Member

    Mine was Pokemon Yellow... :D
  3. Vattic

    Vattic Active Member

    Thats a tough one as I had a friend who gave me mame with over 1000 games on it or something like that, It was most likely metal slug though, great game!
  4. azzaman

    azzaman Member

    I can't remember that well, i think it was street fighter 2 or final fight, one or other
  5. tapwatah

    tapwatah Well-Known Member

    Super Mario world. Oh so very hard, but I was playing it when I was 3 1/2.
  6. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Zelda - Ocarina of Time.
  7. mkizadon

    mkizadon Member

    Pokemon Yellow. i didnt have an internet connection back then and a shite pc and my mate gave me a floppy disk with a one of the crappy gameboy emulators and pokemon yellow which wasnt out yet. and my pc could hardley keep up with it as it played as half the speed.. still played it tho coz it completly blew me away lolz ah how easily impressed i used to be :eek:
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    cant remember, it was a snes rom though. Possibly zelda link to the past.
  9. CainMasters

    CainMasters Well-Known Member

    Castlevania on GB.
    As I started using emulators I didn't even have windows 95 so I had a hard time playing on DOS. The emulators were faster but if a single rom crashed you'd have to search through the whole hdd to find out why. :(
  10. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    My Uncle put Pokemon Blue, Red, Yellow and Pinball on my computer so it was one of them. :D
  11. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Final Fantasy 3 for the NES.
  12. rounds25

    rounds25 Well-Known Member

    mine was zelda lik to the past
  13. dice

    dice Active Member

    pokemon yellow also actually, my bro brought it home with no$gba on a on a floppy disk.
  14. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    Chrono trigger
  15. poiboy

    poiboy Well-Known Member

    i was 'fixing' on 2 actually at the same time..

    it was

    Metroid Prime

    and i have played sooooooo (stress on "soooooo") many games thanks to this frackin great site.

    ps.. and i have happy anticipation for Jam Sessions next week..

  16. hsimpson

    hsimpson Member

    about 8 or 9 yrs ago, i was obsessed with pokemon, so my friend came to my house and he was like want me to get pokemon for you? i said sure
    he said ok, but you have to leave the room and no one can come in the room (obviously cuz it was illegal)
    after a while, he got it and i was playing pokemon blue
    that was my first ever rom
  17. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    i even played pokemon silver the first time
  18. adrelith

    adrelith Well-Known Member

    First time I even played a rom it was Pokemon Red on my friends flashcard for the gameboy, when I was in primary school.
  19. disturbiated

    disturbiated Guest

    Death Junior and the Science Fair of Doom, never quite finished, kinda lost intrest, i played it on my R4 on my black DS. As for the place i got it, i got it from right here, on the glorious Romulation. ;D
  20. Aiiko

    Aiiko Well-Known Member

    Harvest Moon for the SNES I think.My dad got two discs full of roms for the SNES and Mega Drive from a market,which I have now lost and they got me into this.