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n64 games- whats your top 5?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by caseylott817, Dec 6, 2006.

  1. caseylott817

    caseylott817 New Member

    what were your favorite games for the classic N64?

    1. Super Smash Brothers
    2. Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    3. Zelda: Mahoras Mask
    4. Goldeneye 007
    5. Mario 64 / Banjo Kazooie
  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    1. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    2. Perfect Dark
    3. GoldenEye 007
    4. Mario Kart 64
    5. StarFox 64

    Honorable Mention:
    Banjo-Kazooi, WaveRace 64, Super Mario 64, Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
  3. bobdrakke

    bobdrakke Member

    Killer Instinct gold
    Golden eye
    Mario Kart
    Smash Bros
    Mario 64
  4. darkman

    darkman Well-Known Member

    StarFox 64
    Mischief Makers
    Mario 64
    Paper Mario
    JetForce Gemini
  5. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    Perfect dark
    Paper mario
    Harvest moon 64 (I actualy own it. Pritty rare game!)
  6. SonGoku1905

    SonGoku1905 Well-Known Member

    Sadly there are not much great games for N64 .

    Zelda Oc.
    Zelda MM
    mario 64
    Super SmBr
    Paper Mario
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Really? Have you tried Mario Kart? Starfox? Golden Eye? Perfect Dark? Waverace? All those are excellent games too.
  8. SonGoku1905

    SonGoku1905 Well-Known Member

    Yes,in fact I have complete collection. You're right I forgot mario kart. But as a Hardcore RPG fan there wasn't simply enough rpg's for N64 for me to love it.I agree they are quality games also Pokemon Stadium is a good game but compared to Snes it's a shame there was so little role playing titles.
    Someone had said that it was because of the low cartridge capacity of n64. So how come so huge and long rpg's were possible on snes ? Chrono Trigger was only 4 mb and it took 2 months to me finish it . What about legend of Zelda which was only 1 MB
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Not true; some games were 64mb and more. It was fairly low compared to the PSX, but way more than what the SNES had. What probably happened was people took bigger games to the PSX because it was cheaper to produce games for.
  10. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    It boggles my mind how effencent they compressed the stuff on the n64!
  11. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    In many ways the N64 carts are superior to the CD media we use today, ever noticed any loadtime on N64 games? Reading from them is FAR faster than from a CD. The reason why sony and the PC uses CD's is basically because they're cheaper to produce.
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Also CDs have a higher capacity
  13. infallable

    infallable New Member

    Re: n64 - whats your top 5?

    Harvest Moon 64
    Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    Smash Bros
    Mario Cart
    Star Fox

    (not exactly in that order)

    Hm... i actually own all of those.
  14. Elru

    Elru Well-Known Member

    Man, it's so hard to narrow them down but here goes.....

    1. Golden Eye (Proximity Mines All Day son)
    2. Legend of Zelda: OOT
    3. F-Zero X (Falcon owns)
    4. NFL Blitz (Way ahead of it's time for sports games)
    5. Star Fox 64 (Soooo very Awesome)
  15. L

    L Active Member

    Zelda: Ocarina of time - best damn game ever
    super smash bros
    mario kart 64
    mario party
  16. Karthegrax

    Karthegrax Guest

    It's gotta be:

    1. Zelda: Ocarina of Time <- Greatest game of all time, but so friggin hard to get everything!
    2. Zelda: Majoras Mask
    3. Super Smash Brothers <- It was great. You could kick ur friends ass
    4. Starfox <- It never ends!
    5. Banjo Kazooie <- so cute and cuddly!

    Pokemon Stadium wasn't bad either. It woulda taken forever to animate all those characters. And you could battle with your PKMN from red, blue and yellow!
  17. IceFiend

    IceFiend Active Member

    1. Super Mario 64
    2. Jet Force Gemini
    3. Star Fox
    4. Bomberman
    5. Shadows of the Empire.

    No, I have never played Zelda for the N64. I'm too cheap to buy the expansion, and my PC is a 200mhz with 64mb RAM so I can't possibly emulate it.
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you dont need an expansion for ocarina of time, only for majoras mask, which isnt as good as OOT IMO anyway
  19. IceFiend

    IceFiend Active Member

    :eek: Darn it. I passed on a cartridge for $8 because I thought I couldn't play it. Oh, well.
  20. Super smash bros><accepting all challanges lol
    super mario 64
    Paper mario
    Majoras mask
    ocarina of time