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n5 card causing large red "X" on my top screen

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by djones2109, May 29, 2011.

  1. djones2109

    djones2109 Member

    i have a n5 card with the latest firmware from www.dsn.com and it stops working with the large red x ,, it worked for several days , this is new to me,,,

    #1 is there a fix for this,,maybe a different version of download,,,

    if there is any info you can give me it would be appreciated,, i am googling the heck out of this problem,,,,, not understanding why the company i bought this from would allow the firmware to be bad,,,, not sure,,,, i purchased it from price angels and have much good to say about their products in the past

    [email protected]
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Price angels are just the retailer, they don't actually have anything to do with the product other than selling it.

    I would suggest that either it has the wrong firmware on it, the firmware is corrupt, the microsd is corrupt, or you are using a DSi which has been updated and blocked it.
  3. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    depends on the n5 version of the card, if it's the first version, then you are using the wrong firmware, try the 1.31 of the web page of linfoxdomain
  4. djones2109

    djones2109 Member

    can i look on my sd card to see what version i currently have on there, i dont want to load the 1.31 and the same thing happen,, and thanks for yalls help
  5. djones2109

    djones2109 Member

    I downloaded the 1.31 from linfox and all i get is a white screen,,, my other N5 cards are working, just dont want them all to go bad after a short time.,, the one that went bad was in a ds not a dsi, so he didnt update it,,, i just never have had a red x like that before
  6. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Actually people suggest to stay away from that card, it can brick your DS...

    But, download the latest firmware from somehwere, here is a link:
  7. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    It's a myth, or it's that a small number of them do so, i have been using it for 2 years already and it has not bricked so far.

    try each firmware of the page, if it N5i then use the first N5i no the white one.
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    it isn't a myth at all, it does happen. Some people get lucky though
  9. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    yeah but over two years? i smell something else behind curtains.
  10. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Do you thrive on having the intelligence of a five year old? The N5 is very well known for being a heaping pile of dog shit. It blows a fuse in the DS, rendering it unplayable. There was somebody on this forum that was using an N5 that had smoke start coming out of their slot 1. There were also many reports of the N5 bricking the DS on many flash cart forums when the things were popular. Everybody else was smart enough to stop using the N5 before it broke their shit and got something that doesn't break the DS.

    Fuck dude. Don't be so damn stupid.
  11. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    Fuck You man, i have the rigth to believe or not to believe something, smoke out of slot 1? show me some damn proof, show me some fucking proof of what you are saying, otherwise i will not believe, i've been using an allegly dangerous card that should have blown a fuse two years ago and oh wait it did not happen, it has not happened, and it wont happen, either the first N5 models were shit or the owners chose to blame it on the card, the company has made statements? vids, pics or there is a good chance the statement are dubious.

    Also i am 19 about to be 20 studying second year of laws, from my perspective this is all way too suspicious, and if it were truth maybe the guys fixed the cards.
  12. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Keep on failing. We can all be 19 and studying law on the internet. Oh look, I'm a 27 year old doctor. Now I'm a 40 year old electrician!

    Do. Not. Give. A. Shit. You are the only one who believes your card is a pile of shit. The only person, ever. Of course, you'll ignore and dismiss anything I give you, so it's not like it matters.
  13. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    No, if you were to show me some convinving proof then i would change my mind, all i have ATM is words, words if they are not backed up are not evidence, it's the same if i said that the Wii U will infect your EHDD as soon as you connect it, it's my word vs an other words, as i said show me proof of what you say and we can talk this futher, also i did not lie about my age or what i am studying, i find silly to lie on some details of oneself.