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My Weird Dream

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by damanali, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    I had this dream the other day and well, I just thought i should just shrug it off cause its just a dream.

    " I was in a ship, and we were sailing at night when a man in the deck shouted he saw a floating wooden raft with a person in it. So, the sailors quickly towed in the raft and when the raft was on board the man just stand up and walked to the deck and jumped off the ledge without a word or any kind of emotion. But before a few seconds that the man jumped, a sailor read something in the raft which stated: "Don't let this man get on board any vessel. This man carries a curse that will inflict any one who harbors him." And for a second there before he jumped, i kinda saw his face and he even had a evil smile/grin. They searched the place where he just jumped, but he seems to have vanished.

    And just last night, another weird dream:

    "I was just returning to my bedroom when i saw a bug, it was white and seems to be like a caterpillar except that it was flat not round. And I stab it with a stick and the wound it produced let out a gas like appearance with some bubbles. I felt nauseated and when I looked again, the wound produced colorful sponged like materials. It was like a bundles of sticks with different colors for each bundle. I struck it with the same stick and it kinda withered in that part, but soon grew bigger. Bigger than a man. Then I woke up.

    So, what may that dreams mean? Also, do you have some weird dreams like that?

    Edit: I mean stuck/hit/beat it with the stick. Not stuck.
  2. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    Dreams are like that, different chunks of memory and desire you have will appeared in only just your dreams LOL ;D
  3. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    be VERRY careful when you post dreams here, or the ubers and thinkers are gonna start saying you wanna bang your mom.

    Also about the stick withering...then growing bigger...ummm....that's pretty self-explanitory.
  4. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    I tend to forget my dreams as soon as I'm awake... it's a shame. Imagine how frustrating do you think it would be to know you had an awesome dream where you were king of the world or got to bang three hot actresses and NOT remember it. I live that every day. So sad :(
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I remember mine, it's the freaking same every night.

    I'm a cyborg killing woman and children just because they won't give me a high 5.

    Mind you I'm 20ft tall in said dream.
  6. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Usually I'd provide an analysis of your dream but this time, I'll give you a warning.

    Beware the Crawling Chaos.
    Also, you want to bang your mother.
  7. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    Oh, i would love an analysis tehuber! I don't mind if it means i would love to bang my mom-type of explanation.

    To be honest, the first dream kinda scared me cause it was like very dark, and its like on a galleon type of ship without any electricity and depends on torches for lighting.

    Well, the second one seems to be not bothering me except if a cockroach crawl on me while I'm sleeping.

    So, pls enlighten me, and i swear i won't be offended unless it a ridiculous explanation like i will eat shit or swim in sewage. lol
  8. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Ohoho no, I'm not stupid. Trying to find order in a mind afflicted by a chaotic and unfathomable Outer God is supremely unspeakable folly. Also, you like to eat and swim in sewage
  9. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    I've had dreams this weird before, and one of them even being about an intricate conspiracy theory between North Korea, South Korea, Germany, The US and the Philippines. It was all so dramatic, and I was caught in between the big secret in history that destroyed millions of lives. I don't remember exactly how it goes, but I can remember fragments, the start and the ending.
  10. georockman

    georockman Well-Known Member

    and tehuber saying you baning your mum.
  11. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    It means that you will be crushed with a stick by a giant.

    They are just your imagination playing with your brain at night. Like when you have a dream about...and then you...And that was a horrible dream. Though it never happened in real life, nothing ever was similar to that dream of which cannot be told.
  12. drybones41

    drybones41 Well-Known Member

    My dreams are weird.

    The latest dream i had was 2 days ago. I was in a middle of a zombie apocalypse and i got to a safe area. Then i saw this girl who was the person i like in school, walk into a building in which i was going into. I got into the plane got to another safe area, got disinfected with any germs and i saw an explosion in the safe area i came from. I shouted something because the girl was still in the area or so i thought. A plane was just flying in and i was crying, then i saw the girl get off the plane.

    The dream goes further but i forgot the rest.
  13. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    I don't know how to bane? someone.
  14. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Dunno Why, but I just thought of this.
  15. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Lucid dreaming helped me get rid of crazy dreams. Or create crazy dreams. Your choice. :D
  16. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    I have the most random dreams as well, and DAYDREAMS. I mean, it's not weird or anything, it's just fragments of your imagination coming together all at once. There are people that say dreams are basically pictures of your brain sorting out memories while you're asleep, but others beg to differ.

    But dreams are a whole lot better than daydreams. In a daydream... whenever I get snapped back to reality, I always seem to yell out something insanely awkward... like umbrellas.

    @Mike: How do you even lucid dream? :\ I've read up on it and like... I've failed ALOT.
  17. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Lucid dreaming requires a good amount of dedication. Some people, like me, had a lucid dream on their first try out of luck. I have been trying to lucid dream since August, and I now usually have about two a week. Others, however, take up to two weeks to have their first lucid dream. There are several guides out there that help you lucid dream, (DILD, MILD, WILD, DEILD, etc) especially DreamViews.
  18. j c 2000

    j c 2000 Well-Known Member

    When I dream of the future seriously...I am always saying deja vu.lol
  19. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    it does? It's something I've done all my life with no effort. It's very rare I have a passive dream.
  20. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    I wish I was you