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my rank ?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by GR33N Beast, Jul 22, 2008.

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  1. GR33N Beast

    GR33N Beast Well-Known Member

    how can i change my rank ???? and please reply
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Which rank are you talking about? I assume post rank. Well.. you post. And then eventually your "rank" goes up, not that it matters anyway.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Post ranks change at set post counts. We don't tell anyone what the required postcounts are because its more fun for you to find out, and the member postcounts are hidden because when people got close to a number they suspected was a new post rank, they started spamming to reach it quicker.
  4. marcy

    marcy Guest

    hehehe, I know what it needs to increase up to every post rank (even to yours loony), but I wont tell ;D
  5. The_Janitor

    The_Janitor Member

    It certainly is degrading to be titled as a servant, despite my username, lol.
  6. marcy

    marcy Guest

    ;D No longer with that post.
  7. The_Janitor

    The_Janitor Member

    Haha, what are the chances of that?
  8. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    It increases after one post... Besides, having a user rank of 'servant' on a stupid forum is not something you should care about enough to find degrading...
  9. The_Janitor

    The_Janitor Member

    Says the person who moderates a "stupid forum". lol
  10. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I also don't care about my poster rank here, even though the forum means a lot to me. ;)
  11. waylonn

    waylonn Well-Known Member

    I know how I can see postnumber...

    Loonylion has in the 5000
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    As it happens, I have the highest postcount on the forum, by quite a lot.
  13. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    You know guys, it's actually fun to think of your post rank as your "level" in an RPG, & your post count as your "experience points". So it's actually rewarding to one day realize, "OMG! I'm a Professional Gamer now!", & it kinda spoils the fun if you ask how many posts you still need to go up a level. :'(
  14. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I'll be on third place in a few hours. :)

    I hope that eventually I won't even be in the top10, then that happens I'll know I have a very active community. ;)
  15. GR33N Beast

    GR33N Beast Well-Known Member

    thank you
  16. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    The Janitor is mean :( You know we all are Seph :)
  17. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Is there some list where you can see how many posts you need to have before you are eg: console gamer?
  18. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't worry, it's purely cosmetic.

    If my post count was taken seriously I'd look like I am some sort of overloard or something :p
  19. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    its already been said further up the topic, no there isnt.
  20. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    a friend of my says that the points you have play also a role!
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