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My R4's cheat database won't update

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Reemr, May 21, 2008.

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  1. Reemr

    Reemr Well-Known Member

    Or something like that. I'm using the cheat code editor from the R4 site, and whenever I update the cheats, it still has the old ones. I even deleted the old usrcheat.dat or whatever the file is, and made it with just one game on it, but I still have every code for all of the games and the updated code wasn't updated. Any help?
  2. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    You should get a database from GBAtemp.net. I think this guy, Rayder, has a regularly updated cheat database.

    I just checked, Rayder retired. But now this guy manages the cheats.

  3. Reemr

    Reemr Well-Known Member

    Thank you! I don't know why my old one didn't work, but this one obviously does. Decent codes too!
  4. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Most likely sometimes the current firmware has a bad .dll file, which doesn't allow adding of cheats over old ones. There was one that was patched to make it work somewhere, forgot though. Look in the Tutorials section for my "How To Add Cheats To R4" if you ever need it.
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