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My pokemon team

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by Drakate, Apr 25, 2010.

  1. Drakate

    Drakate Member

    I'm a complete pokemon nub so I have no idea what I'm doing. I welcome any kind of criticism. Please could you guys help improve my team by suggesting new moves/pokemon.

    Larvitar Lvl 18 with serious nature
    Rock Slide

    Dragonair Lvl 35 with naive nature
    Thunder Wave
    Aqua Tail

    Pidgeot Lvl 36 with calm nature

    Typhlosion Lvl 39 with brave nature
    Lava Plume
    Flame Wheel

    Raikou Lvl 41 with naughty nature
    Quick Attack

    Gyrados Lvl 32 with calm nature
    Ice Fang
    Dragon Rage

    Please give me suggestions on how to improve my pokemon.
  2. three_strangers

    three_strangers Well-Known Member

    If you have a friend to trade with and Metal Coat, evolve your Syther into Scizor. Get rid of Vaporeon or delete Surf on Dragonair, you don't need two Surfing pokemon. If you're deleting Surf on Dragonair, teach Whirlpool and Waterfall to Vaporeon. Once your Dragonair is evolved into Dragonite (lvl.55), teach it Fly and get rid of Pidgeotto. I suggest replacing Pidgeotto with a Grass type or one of the types you aren't covering (how about Victreebel?). You'll need Ground or Physic moves to pound Team Rocket's Poison Types. Train your pokemon so they're about lvl. 35+. Vaporeon may come in handy against later on...
  3. Drakate

    Drakate Member

    Thanks for the info :) Vaporeon is new on my team so I'm waiting to get to Blackthorne City to delete Dragonair's Surf. I'm on my way to catch Lugia so I might replace that with something... not sure who though as I still have to keep Pidgeotto because Dragonair can't Fly yet.
  4. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Remember that you can always box your HM slaves (like Pidgeot). On my game I have a Rattata and a Poliwag that have Surf, Cut, Rock Smash and Whirlpool between them, and I just drop them if I'm heading to a Gym.

    Your team is nicely rounded in levels, though I'd have suggested you kept your Dratini as a Dratini until L51 (for Outrage, Dragonite gets it at L64). Your Scyther isn't actually too bad. Consider some sort of Bug move like X-Scissor on it instead of Razor Wind.
    Dragonair would do nicely with Waterfall over Aqua Tail and Thunderbolt/Ice Beam over Twister/Surf. It's a primarily physical attacker, but if you train it on Victory Road/Route 42 (surfing) you should be able to clean up and earn some sweet XP.
    Pidgeot is great.
    On Typhlosion, drop Flame Wheel for Flamethrower at L42. Otherwise, good.
    Raikou's best set is Calm Mind/Thunderbolt/Shadow Ball/<filler move>. I'd start working towards that.
    Vaporeon is pretty good. I'd suggest Ice Beam > Water Gun. Gyarados is great (WATERFALL WOO) only after you make it to Blackthorn.
  5. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    A physical attacking Vaporeon is a waste of a Vaporeon. Keep the Surf that you have on it.
    When you get Waterfall, which is pretty soon, Gyarados will be a MONSTER. For sweeping purposes, I'd switch Vaporeon out for Gyarados. Vaporeon is generally better as a tank/staller/wish supporter or at the very least, a special side sweeper.

    I would suggest a Wooper/Quagsire for the Surf/Whirlpool/Strength/Rock Smash combo. Like Suis said, box it when you're past the annoying parts. You only need Waterfall in a few places, but you'll probably have Gyarados with you at all times. For now, I'd go to Ilex Forest and teach Gyarados Headbutt as a temporary move over Tackle or Splash. Bite is extremely useful until it learns better moves (Dragon Dance, Waterfall, Ice Fang, <Earthquake> but not required).

    You're going to spend quite a bit of time at the Move Deleter due to poor HM choices, especially on your Raikou, and Scyther. Teach Cut and all of those worthless moves to worthless pokemon, not the good ones. The only good HM moves are Surf and Waterfall. You never see the rest of them outside of their overworld use.

    If you're not competing (ie. going online) then don't worry about Natures and all of that technical stuff. If you are, or are planning to attempt a 100 streak in the battle tower, then you should start worrying about Natures, IVs, EVs, and specific setups.
  6. Drakate

    Drakate Member

    Thanks for the replies ;)

    I guess Gyrados is better than Vaporeon because I like sweepers rather than stallers, but Vaporeon is more powerful than most of my pokemon as it only knows special moves now(surf, aurora beam, water gun and shadow ball <-- not sure about this one). I was wondering if I should still switch it out.

    ALso thanks on the info on the Quagsire I'll make it my HM slave :)

    My Raikou is still new so I'll teach it better moves when I get to Blackthorne city.

    Also, who should I teach surf to if I remove Vaporeon and I don't want Dragonair to carry on using it.
  7. omgwtfitzben

    omgwtfitzben Well-Known Member

    This always helps me. Click Here

    I have two HM Slaves. I traded Tropius and Biberel from Diamond. Biberel knows Waterfall, Whirlpool, Strength and Rock Climb while Tropius knows Fly, Cut, Flash and Rock Smash.
  8. Drakate

    Drakate Member

    Added a Larvitar and Gyrados to my team- thanks for the feedback. However, who should I teach Surf to, and should I teach Fly to someone (such as Dragonite when my Dragonair has evolved) as I use it a lot, or should I teach it to a worthless pokemon?
  9. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    HM Slaves usually assume that you don't use it in battle. Get a level 6 Wooper from outside of Violet City, and fill it with the three water HMs and Rock Smash or whatever else you don't have.

    Tack on a FLYer and preferably something that can Cut as well Fly, and you'll have 4 remaining slots to make your team with. You can really have a well-rounded team with just 3 Pokemon. Gyarados should have Waterfall pretty much on any set, and since there's only two waterfalls to deal with, you'll only need your Surfer and Waterfaller on the same team for two instances.

    I would keep Vaporeon as your main Surfer since it can actually USE Surf rather proficiently, and then use Gyarados when needed. Or switch the roles and only bring out your Surfer when needed and keep Gyarados permanent. There's not THAT many places to Surf to keep a Surfer on your team forever. Whirlpool is only useful to get to the Dragon's Den and Whirl Islands. Always know what items and HM functions you'll need ahead of time before leaving.
  10. Drakate

    Drakate Member

    Oh I get it now ::)

    But what 3 types could cover the majority of the other types as there are so many. And should I have 2 backup pokemon when I fight stronger people like the Elite 4 when I get there?
  11. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Really, one water type (translate: Feraligatr for example) with Waterfall, Ice Punch, Dragon Dance or Swords Dance and Return is good enough coverage for the whole game all the way up to Red. Gyarados has the exact same role so you'll probably use him instead.

    I've always liked pairing a water type and a fire type together since fire covers one of water's weaknesses (grass), as well as being a direct counter to steel types, which are a pain if you don't have super-effective damage going. I'd suggest Arcanine with Morning Sun, Extremespeed, Flare Blitz and Thunder Fang. Make substitutions for the moves you have trouble with getting. I would prefer to make it a little bulkier than normal, or just level up a little past what you're up against.

    For what you're given in-game, Ampharos is nice to use because of Signal Beam, which is a direct check to just about anything Psychic or Dark rounding out the set.

    If you have access to ANYTHING, then run Shadow Ball and Aura Sphere on something with insane SpA. The best one that comes to mind is Mewtwo. Ghost/Fighting has perfect coverage. When it is resisted or immune to one, it is neutral or weak to the other.
  12. bikeboy99

    bikeboy99 Well-Known Member

    best place to train before 8th gym??
  13. ThePurificators

    ThePurificators New Member

    Ok, stay out of legendarys if your going to do some online play. No offense but they're for noobs and I know that it's a method of winning but otherwise cheap.

    Anyways. You need to have a sweeper in your team. A sweaper would probbaly be a fast pokemon that could 1 hit ko one or two pokemon, after that it would probbaly be fainted since it's a sweaper..won't last long. A good example is Gengar. He has good speed and good Sp. Atk which means he can make good use of Energy ball/Shadow Ball/Focus blast. Now if you see a pokemon you don't think you might K/o in one turn I suggest Putting in hypnosis/confuse ray. I think hypnosis is much more reliable though.

    Then you need a "tank" Someone who is all rounded but not as quick as a sweeper. Blastoise is a good one but since you might not have access to it you could use your starter pokemon. Or some normal type like Usaring since it's kind of well rounded. You might want to put in a healing move Ex: Torterra+Synthesis. That's all but theres many more.
  14. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Another person that confuses the term legendary with Uber. They are not related. Celebi is a legendary, but not an Uber. It's OU. Wobbuffet is Uber, but not legendary.
  15. ThePurificators

    ThePurificators New Member

    Ok well..Anyways when I talk about legendary's I mean like..Rayquaza or Giratina who pose a huge threat due to huge stats. But celebi is fairly weak I agree to that. I guess your right.