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My pokemon Team

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by hlw_rocer, Mar 30, 2009.

  1. hlw_rocer

    hlw_rocer Well-Known Member

    any suggestions to how i can improve it? feel free to critisize also :p
  2. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Depends. If you're playing with Smogon rules, Garchomp is banned.

    Also, it depends a lot upon the moves you've given them. Luxray is pretty mediocre in any case. You might want something like a Salamence, or a Scizor to take the Ice attacks that are going to be levelled at the land shark.

    Your blank space should be something that is capable of taking a few hits, maybe dropping some Screens or entry hazards to discourage switching. Dual Screen Bronzong or Blissey are both good - the former can take physical hits better, but the latter can survive for far longer.
  3. hlw_rocer

    hlw_rocer Well-Known Member

    thanks for the tips, i dont really get why garchomp is so cheap and counts as a legendary, care to explain xD
  4. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Basically, it hits stupidly hard and stupidly fast - at near legendary levels. Smogon banned it from its competitive ladder for the sole reason that teams were being built around it to maximise its monstrous potential. It also has a very good movepool, and its ability, Sand Veil, means that in a Sandstorm (which were very common, thanks to Tyranitar) even Ice Beam could sometimes miss. Yache Berry removed its one major weakness, meaning it would be guaranteed to rip through at least one pokemon on your opponent's team - with no skill required.

    As a result, team variety dropped even further, with teams sometimes packing two dedicated Garchomp counters.

    tl;dr It unbalanced the meta.
  5. hlw_rocer

    hlw_rocer Well-Known Member

    pokemon genius :O
  6. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Hahaha, I wish. Just experience, brah.
  7. hlw_rocer

    hlw_rocer Well-Known Member

    New team :p edited some things out
    Blissey <what moves should i give him
    i took out alakazam cause gengar has psychic also and gengar pwns him XD
  8. Bob_Kill123

    Bob_Kill123 Well-Known Member

    blissy is great if you know what your doing try this movepool its the classic

    sismic toss
    soft boiled (100% nessesary or fail)
    reflect/hyper beam (i enjoy a good hyper beam in this slot but you may prefer something a little different but with stab it hits 225 power making it redonculus and blissy blissy can take the hit)

    but what will you do against a good ground type??? i recamend a good ice type like abomasnow

    raichu takes some very good planing to use well i'd have to see your moveset to help you
  9. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    That moveset is shit.

    - Seismic Toss
    - Softboiled/Wish
    - optional
    - optional

    The last two slots can be picked from Counter, Aromatherapy, Thunder Wave, Stealth Rock. If you run Wish, you'll want Protect.

    Raichu is difficult to use, but it's viable.

    Movesets would help immensely.
  10. hlw_rocer

    hlw_rocer Well-Known Member

    lol i dont know what movesets i should give him any ideas pokemon genius :D
  11. faune

    faune Well-Known Member

    He means to post your existing movesets, so he can comment/crit and modify as necessary.
  12. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    I've never seen a blissy with Bind.. bine.. brine... whatever the one is where you deal 2X the damage received for two turns. Can she not learn or is it a bad move? You're only going to be taken out by more or less a porygon Z (without ban) in one hit, so it makes since to use.
  13. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    improve by adding Hariyama

    with move set:

    Belly drum
    bullet punch
    arm trust
    force palm

    hold item leftovers ;)
  14. Inylo

    Inylo Guest

    I need you guys to help me!


    Ev's:252 Atk 252/ Def 252 / Sp. Def 6
    Ability:Clear Body
    Moves: Meteor Mash/Agility/Ice Punch/Thunder Punch
    Side Note:Nicknamed TOO STRONG. Flawless Pokemon!

    Nature: Mild
    Ev's: Atk 252 /Sp. Atk 252
    Ability: Intimidate
    Moves: Flamethrower/Headbutt/Earthquake/Dragon Claw
    Side Note:Ev Trained

    Name/Level: Electivire/55
    Ev's: 252 Atk/252 Spd
    Ability:Motor Drive
    Moves:Thunderpunch/Earthquake/Ice Punch/Brick Break
    Side Note:Ev Trained

    Name/Level: Ninjask Level 100
    Ev's: 252 Atk 252 Spd
    Ability:Speed Boost
    Moves: Swords Dance/X-Scissor/Substitute/Baton Pass
    Side Note:Ev trained

    Ev's:252 Sp Atk 252 Spd
    Moves:Nasty Plot/Tri Attack/Hidden Power/Dark Pulse
    Side Note:Ev trained

  15. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Bide is the move. And Counter is superior, since Blissey is slow.

    Also, the whole Porygon thing is only on the Special side. Most people will switch to a physical attacker and take the Bide time to set up on and destroy Blissey - most pokemon capable of using Close Combat will OHKO easily.
  16. hlw_rocer

    hlw_rocer Well-Known Member

    lol i dont have any yet all i have is
    Dragon Claw'
    Dark Pulse
    (blank) pokemon :p:
    i have nice move sets right?
  17. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    If you insist on using Raichu (still a bad idea IMO, you should get something Steel-type to soak up ice-type hits), there are only two remotely viable sets - a pure Special Attack set with Choice Specs, or a Nasty Plot set.

    Nasty Plot

    ~ Nasty Plot
    ~ Thunderbolt
    ~ Hidden Power Ice
    ~ Encore / Grass Knot

    Choice Specs
    ~ Thunderbolt
    ~ Hidden Power Ice
    ~ Grass Knot
    ~ Focus Blast

    But yeah. You have a large Ice weakness, so you might want to reconsider Raichu.
  18. hazynighthawk

    hazynighthawk Well-Known Member

    maybe a miltoc cause thats super good dragon

    and a spritomb bercause it is a psychic ghost so it has no real weakness but on the other hand the way to catch is rediculious
  19. hlw_rocer

    hlw_rocer Well-Known Member

    thats why i gots lucarioooo XD what should i consider for 6th choice i dont really need dragons
    Edit: yeah you convinced me, im taking out raichu cause all he can do its use electric moves and gengar knows thunderbolt so, hes kinda pointless :p
    now i have 2 more open spaces
  20. faune

    faune Well-Known Member

    Spiritomb is ghost / dark. If it were ghost psychic, it would take x4 damage against ghost attacks, and up to x5.5 damage coming from a Pokemon that is of the ghost type. Being ghost / dark, like you mentioned, there aren't any attack types that can deal x2 damage for being considered "super effective", but Spiritomb may be vulnerable with weak special defense. I've yet to get in to competitive Pokemon battling, so you should probably double check with a guide or someone who's very knowledgeable in the area (like Suiseiseki ;p).