hello today i was downloading a game but i lost my internet connection and the download didn't complete and i lost all my points is there is anyway to get it back?????? sorry if my english is bad
Lost your points as in the amount needed to download the said rom/file? Well, you got 24 hours to re-start/continue the downloading of that file without getting your points deducted from the time you first click download. Only after 24 hours then will your downloading of that said file be counted as "new download", till then, just choose to re-start. And you'll see it as "- 0" deduction.
You won't get points rededucted for failed downloads, if; 1. You resume/retry downloading the same file again. 2. You resume/retry downloading that file again within the 24 hour window from the time it fail. Any attemp to download the same file past that 24 hour period will be considered 'new', thus points will be deducted. If not enough points, wait till it accumulates again. There are various way of getting points, one of which is by logging in every 24 hours to this site/forum.