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My point got Stolen! need to change my password

Discussion in 'Site Support' started by kit385, May 27, 2009.

  1. kit385

    kit385 New Member

    my point is 4300 yesterday, but now i saw 3800, my point stolen by some asshole.
    can anyone tell me how to change my password?
    thx you
  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Click on "PROFILE" on the top bar. Click "Modify Profile" -> "Account Settings"
    Fill out the portions where it says "Choose Password" and "Verify Password" then Save your Changes.

    But are you sure you just didn't download a PSX game or something? 500 points is a reasonable cost for a game download, and if you did download it, it would show up as Zero point cost for you for the next 24 hours, even though it did cost you points originally.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    it is not possible to steal peoples points. You have downloaded something that cost points.
  4. kit385

    kit385 New Member

    i didn't download any game over 50mb these days.
    i only download some SNES and NES games. yesterday i promise i saw 4300, and now i only see like 3879.
    is ok, thx, i change the password to see