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My one and only problem with DS Flash Carts ..

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mcoupe69, Oct 13, 2009.

  1. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    Curious if anyone feels the same way about this as I do..

    I heard about flash carts a while back..maybe 3 years ago (if they were even out then)
    But I didn't get one til just a couple months ago.. Anywho I have owned 2 ds phats and 4 ds lites in my lifetime and up until recently I would always preorder games and usually only have a couple at a time seeing as I would trade the ones I got bored with in to help pay for new ones.. During those times, since I only owned a few at a time it was pretty easy to focus on a game and enjoy it.. But now cuz of the acekard I own.. I have every single game I could ever want..all at once..on one game card.. Now I dunno about anyone else but I find it really really difficult to focus on one game now that I have em all.. I will start to play one game, enjoy it for a bit, then my ADHD kicks in and ill stare at a wall for a couple seconds..feel like playing something else and rinse and repeat.. Eventually ill just end up staring at the wall for longer and longer and not know what to do xD ... TOO MANY CHOICES TO BE ABLE TO ENJOY :O

    I know this is a stupid complaint but I was just curious if anyone else deals with the same thing :p
  2. Astyanax32

    Astyanax32 Member

    I have had a similar problem myself. Because I have so many games to choose from often I end up choosing none and do somethong else. I'm having a hard time sticking with a game to completion...
  3. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    couldn't have summed it up any better
  4. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member

    I exactly know what you mean. :( For me it works, if I make myself a preview-playing. Which means: Play them all (all the new ones of course), for, let`s say, 20-30 minutes to gain a feeling if the Game is quit good.

    There`s always a Game that you wanna play first - and some, you just deceided to play at a later Time.

    It`s normal that nor every Game gains your attention until it ends. But it isn`t when you feel kinda "overkilled" and you can`t concentrate on ONE Game, because you got DOZENS unplayed in your Folder. :) (and switch, and switch, and switch to the next Game....you know,what I mean). ;)
    That`s ugly - and, yeah, I know this kind of "playing".
  5. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    word.. i guess in a way one could see it as a blessing as well.. seeing as it ends up leaving room for me to get more productive things done when I dont feel like playing anymore
  6. fahsky

    fahsky Well-Known Member

    Having all the games for a system you could ever want for free is a complaint? Wooow... And the fact you've went through a DS a year just makes me shake my head even more. Maybe it's time to do something besides playing video games.
  7. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    I have had that same feeling! and it gets worse when you own Consoles as well as the DS and play online games AAHH so much wasted time I look at my gaiming addiction as a curse now I used to be soo active and I used to Do weights and practice outside more and more till my Ex got me into Flashcarts and then I got into Youtube videos and it only got worse with online gaming and owning my recently baught 360

    I can't tell you how guilty I feel I have old games like zelda wind waker on cube that i still havnt beaten and then theres more modern games like Metroid prime 3 on wii and with my Recently bought 360 I have other games I don't have time to complete and then theres the flashcart games... I am A addict! Thoe I always Try to maintain a ballance but when I do that I don't ever beat/complete any games... and I always end up playing the games half way and then moving on to another game and leaving that game unfinished as well.
  8. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    i've never actually owned a ds for more than a year bub, first one i got as a gift and traded it in to help pay for a computer graphics card, 3 i got from friends for really cheap over time but i sold all those for drug money (dont hate, i use to be a major f***up) and the one i have now has only been owned for a couple months.. and what makes me* shake my head is the fact that you think you are in the right by trying to judge me and tell me how to live my life.. i have always loved video games and it is what i do in my *spare time..my real life consists of going to college, working at ups, going to partys, hanging out with my friends, skateboarding /filming when i got the extra extra time for it etc etc... think before you say something like that :I
    Post Merge: [time]1255399680[/time]
    Up until 10th grade all i did was play diablo 2 and or runescape so i was a pasty white mess.. not saying you are just saying ..from one addictive personality to another.. i feel you :U
  9. maggiemaymay

    maggiemaymay Well-Known Member

    I try to finish a game and then I'm stuck so I can't continue. I already asked for help on a few games and haven't gotten a reply yet, so I start a new game. And then a new game comes out so I gotta try it, lol.
  10. sean22

    sean22 New Member

    That's what your medication is for. You should make sure you take it so you don't go on a homicidal rampage.
  11. evans123456

    evans123456 Well-Known Member

    all i can say is ....
  12. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    sorry bro i dont need ritalin( *caugh ..speed) to function
  13. tool86

    tool86 Active Member

    i was sooo waiting for scribblenauts and mario+bowser to be released... now that i actually have them... well.... i ended up not playing them as much as i thought i would
  14. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

    I have the exact same feeling as you brother!.

    Thats my problem with downlaoding all my games,music and programs free.is i take them for granted.
    But if i had to pay for everything then im sure i would think diffrently.

    But besides that its all good :)
  15. chaunceez

    chaunceez Well-Known Member

    tell my about it im getting a 8GB!!!! sd with a acekard 2i soon.
  16. diskjocki

    diskjocki Well-Known Member

    Ah, I have the same problem. Can't focus on one game anymore, I have 19 games on my flashcart right & I've only completed 1 or 2 of them. I've barely touched my DS the last month or so though, I'm too busy with Final Fantasy & GTA now :D
  17. johncarl

    johncarl Well-Known Member

    me too. except the one you are currently playing.
  18. manolisgoku

    manolisgoku Well-Known Member

    My problem is:i can't focus on a game either and i end up watching youtube or you know what and waiting for more games to come out
  19. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    How can anyone focus on one game when you have so much choice?

    I know-my psp is loaded XD

    Infact, all my consoles have this issue...

    My brother has infact restrained himself despite his lack of attention...

    He beats one game (fifa 09) and moves onto a newer one (dirt 2) then reverts back to the previous...then to an even newer one (fifa 10-he loves soccor) and back again...once he get's bored of the pattern-he moves onto some of the games I got for myself-and beats them before anything else.

    My tip-this is always gonna be a problem, so if you have some taste and not too many games you'd like-you might be fine.

    I got every game I need (every devil may cry...resident evil...mortal kombat, etc) and now I just need to focus...

    In que to beat-

    -Resident evil 5-all emblems aquired and mercenaries requires all stages unlocked (will move back to normal and veteran modes later on-they are hard..)

    -Gran turismo psp-all licene challenges beaten-minium bronze

    -dirt 2 psp-game 100% (won't take long..)

    -sega rally psp (same XD)

    -Dead rising-everything but megaman helmut to unlock (so close to mega buster...awsome)

    Once these are beat I'm moving onto the other...400 games to beat-and I actually owns these-I've only beaten one rom game-jump ultimate stars XD
  20. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Thats like me...