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My MMO Idea

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jeremiah, Dec 15, 2009.

  1. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    So I've been drawing about alot of things mostly related to my planned MMO Idea... I need some suggestions for some Class Names? And also I just want to show this to the Community here? :p

    X beside a Class name means its for temporary purposes and is the one I need help giving it a better name... :(

    Class Chart:

    School System - The School system is sort of a tribute to Final Fantasy, What this basically does is All Players are allowed 3 Schools(Classes) with the other 2 being Sub-Schools which allow certain Skills available from that Class. Some Higher Classes need specific Sub-Schools to change to those which are listed below:
    Dragoon - Archer Sub School
    Templar - Fighter Sub School
    Paladin - Cleric Sub School
    Rune Knight - Magician Sub School
    Sniper - Archer Sub School
    Alchemist - Magician Sub School
    Trapper - Thief Sub School

    Another feature is a borrowed element from Metroid & Castlevania, To access later areas Classes are given certain Skills to get to other areas (Ranger will grab on to pet Bird Creature to access "Flight",Wizards will Teleport etc.)

    I wll just discuss the final Classes... so yeah. :p

    Berserker - as its name sake, this class has skills mostly related to gaining more power the less life they have. They sacrifice riding cool Mounts for a Badass Cape

    Dragoon - the dragoon class,has innate abilities related to .... DRAGONS?! ,they are also the only fighter class which uses short-range attacks to fight. (They throw their spears)

    Cavalier - the fastest of all the Fighter Classes for obvious reasons, They take on the role of being tanks.

    Rune Knight - the Rune Knight can use magic to empower their attacks/equipment. basically... they can change their element at whim and also cause basic elemental bolts...

    Paladin - The holy tank dude..., The Paladin is clad in shiny (Gold-ish) Armor, Most of their skills involve also tanking and holy elements. Sadly they cannot ride a mount but they gain access to a short distance dash thingy.

    Pirate - NvP jokes aside, The Pirate is the more aggressive route of the Fencer, throwing in confusion skills to delibidate their enemies. Instead of not having anything at all on their shield slot they don Daggers to help fend off attacks.

    Ronin - Samurais!!! well... sort off, The Ronin class uses a unique weapon available only to them, the Katana, they possess strong attacks but require protection until they release the fatal blades.

    Mystic - the ultimate of elemental blasters,also the most conservative in terms of clothing alongside the Magician and Wizard....

    Enchanter - masters of the magical creatures, The enchanter can call forth Elementals,Sprites or Chimeras which fight for them. They also have some debuffs/buffs to weaken enemies and support their minions.

    Heretic - the heretic are the "vengeance" class, Depending on their debuff they have they can wreak havoc on this effect to their enemies.

    Necromancer - The necromancer is a summoner/dark wizard in a sense... In their Summoner choice they can choose to unleash zombie hordes,Skeleton armies or Kamikaze Ghosts....on their more Wizard side they can unleash undead hands of doom to destroy their targets.

    Illusionist - The Blue Mage Tribute Class, Unlike other classes whose spells/skills come available they need help acquiring theirs from enemies. Theyre role varies depending on what spells & build you give them.

    Seer - The Seer controls nature to help it, It is another Summoner/Wizard class, The summons deal damage but only slightly and focus more on debuffing.

    Trapper - Trappers forego their guns for Knives and Traps. They can use Pressure Mines or Limb Snaggers which both cater to 2 different playing styles.

    Tracker - The elite hunters of the forest, Capable of taking down foes with their rifles or pistols.

    Sentinel - hidden in camo, the Sentinel fight off evil whose desires to taint the forest. They fight with their Bows or Crossbows.

    Soul Guide - the soul guide's summons are purely for support. Along with that they have support skills themselves.

    Beast Lord - the Beast Lord and its lesser school are the only classes to be able to maximize their pets. being able to equip 3 then 5. Their core skills are in empowering their pets to do battle for them.

    Elementalist - the elementalists are warpers of the elements, they can change the effects of elements and control the weather to bend into your side.

    Minstrel - They use Guitars.. to ROCK THE ENEMIES TO DEATH or BRING IN MUSIC FEVER!

    Diva - almost the same as Minstrels... except they can kill with SINGING or buff with it.

    Explorer - the Jack-of-all-Trades Class.... nuff said. :-\

    Bishop - Support Class armed with all the staple skills of Ressurect,etc. and stuff.

    Templar - The Dogs of the Church, the Templars fight for the church much like the Paladin but they take no mercy and are instruments of death with their fierce hammers....

    Shaolin - The shaolin's skills on healing are more of a slow but stronger, they heal by using Life and Magic where as Bishop's use Magic purely...

    Assassin - Hailing from the Sands of the East, the Assassins armed with their deadly claws or Daggers. They can cause amany hallucinogenic effects on their targets which may or may not be helpful. (Depends on your preference) they also train their body more fiercely and thus can take more beatings than Shibobis.

    Shinobi - where as the Assassin can deal more damage the ninja strive to achieve not getting hurt at all. They can summon a physical being from their shadow to fight/protect with them.
  2. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Why dont you also give the choice to make a custom class
  3. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    I've never heard of an MMO with a custom class.
  4. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Ya that's why he should
  5. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Then the game woun't be balanced and everyone would be the same as each other,have the most overpowered skills and everything.
    Sounds like a bad idea to me.
  6. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Lol theyed have limits like skill points and every time you lvl up you get 1 or 2 points
    and what do you mean overpowered skills i'm talking about strength, agility destruction magic ect
  7. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    The closest thing I've heard to a Custom Character is the Super Novice (Or something) in RO.
    They can learn a wide range of skills but they can't use any of the highest level skills to make them balance.
    And I have no idea what you mean by that.
  8. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Like you know stats not skills stats are Strength, Agility, Speed ect
    Umm an example game is oblivion ya get to make ya own class unfortunately its not online
  9. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    I'm talking about skills here not stats.
  10. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Yeah I was talking about stats.
    And how about insted of lvling up to get spells ect you buy them or find them or have to go on quest's to learn them that would make the game more interesting
  11. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Don't tanking class usually have lower speed?

    Pirates should also have basic gunning skills.

    Your describtion sounds more Summoner then Enchanter to be honest....

    The name makes it sound like he's a monster himself instead of a monster tamer...

    Just a few things I have to say...
  12. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    Cavaliers , theyre still slow as hell though....

    Pirates , they have skills which involves guns...

    Enchanter, The Sorcerer gets the Summons available, the enchanter enhances the said summons with buffs/debuffs for enemies.

    Beast Lord can transform into Werewolves or WereBears.....

    The "Super Novice" is here as the Explorer who also can mount which is a Giant Chick.... ::)

    For Stats this is what I am basing for the idea so far:







    .... yeah too much RO-ish but meh... All the idea is something like MetroidVania for Travel and then Action-RPG for Combats...
  13. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Hmm I agree with you on all of those and I think the enchanter should be more of a trade class to make money and things like that and ya kinda make it sound like a Elementlist/Summoner and the beserker should be the tank class (Maybe you should rename to barbarian)
    I think the pirate should be a even amount of range and melee skill
    A dragoon is a soldier that fights by foot but rides by horse
    A paladin is a worrier of light so they should get more boosts and have an advantage to undead
    You make the rune knight sound like an Elementilest/Enchanter
    The ronin (Samuries) I think they should use a scimitar and the ninjas ninja should use a kantana
    The seer sounds allot like a druid
    The tracker and trapper should be one class (the Rouge)
    The beast lord should be taken out and his skills should be given to the monster tamer
    The Minstrel well that's kind of like an Xbox 360 game I've heard of (Forgot the name will post if I remember it)
    The Diva should be renamed the Siren
    The assassins should get poison darts as well

    By the way Dex is the same as Agi

    Oh and also how are you planing to make this game?
  14. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    No,Rune Knight is fine,as they only use the basics,like in LA2
    Scimitar are not used by Samurais to be honest....
  15. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Yeah but they kinda look like em and i'm pretty sure they got the nickname samuri sword I could be mistaken though.
    Yeah I supose the Rune knight is ok as long as it cant learn advanced spells (the class description sounds more like a Spellsword)
  16. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    The Enchanter sounds more magical don't you think?
    The Elementalist doesn't equip any weapons and is somewhat a hybrid of a tank and mage being he fights by using Magic and is up close and lowers damage with his elemental forms.

    Meh, the Fighter Tree is full of tanks... kinda just that the Berserker has more damage output as the Cavaliers who pack more defense.

    I wanted my dragoons to be sorta more original, they do however sport Dragon-shaped Armor.

    Paladin, uhhh yeah, theres a reason why Holy will deal alot of damage to Dark Elements....

    Rune Knight at its simplicity, can change elements of everyone, the Elementalist only affects himself.

    The Ninja's can also use Katanas but the Ronin can use them for massive damage, while the ninjas use them for multiple hits....

    Druid is the class upcoming to Druid, was also bored on writing descriptions by that time also... :p ,They serve the same effect...

    Trackers use Rifles and Guns and fulfill the role of Fast attckers from afar.

    Trappers use traps and lure theyre enemies towards them....

    and both are related somewhat to hunting out animals for money/pelts?

    Beast Lord is just a divider for the stronger skills for the Beast Master much like the Seer is to the Druid, also prevents the Beast Master to becoming too overpowered when having lots of Pets.

    Diva.... well idk, was thinking of Idol like American Idol? but meh, also Siren was I think were greek harpy-like monsters who sung their preys into hypnotism and devoured them...

    Assassins get poison skills, too lazy to list them all, just wanted to make a minor joke with one of their skills being a Drug Smoke Bomb?

    *forgot one stat point....*

    STR = Physical Damage,Carry Weight
    DEX = Chance to Hit,Damage Booster for certain Classes
    AGI = Walk Speed,Doge Rate,Minor Accuracy
    INT = Magic Damage,Minor Magic Defense Boost
    VIT = Max Life,Minor Defense Boost,Life Regen Rate
    LCK = Critical Chance,Item Drops,Minor boost to Magic Attack,Defense & Physical Accuracy & Dodge
    WIS = Max Mana,Magic Defense,Mana Regen Rate

    Magical Damage/Defense
    Physical Damage/Defense
    Chance to Hit (Physical/Magical)
    Chance to Dodge (Physical/Magical)
    Chance to Critical (Physical/Magical)
    Carry Weight

    Haven't thought about it yet, Might suggest it to some company or gather up some people in the future to help me make it...
  17. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Well ok but a Siren is like a magical sea creature in the form of a human almost like a mermaid and there completely naked and they used to lure sailors to swim with them in the sea were they were sent to a watery grave also they could scream so hard your ears would burst.

    Agi and Dex are sorta the same thing speed, hit rate, dodge rate and I could see it being a damage increaser for assassin and ninja
  18. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    Just a heads-up, I posted the Male and Female concept art for the Trapper Class, Seen is the Female holding the Pressure Mine and the Male with the Limb Snagger Trap respectively.


  19. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    I have 2 questions are the characters customizable and is this going to be a 2D or 3D MMO
  20. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    2d MMO, think something like Castlevania - Symphony of the Night

    The Customizable look is similar to Diablo I guess? The drawings i'm putting up show them when in their "lightest" armor, Something of a element I based from Diablo 1, Where if you can recall every Class had different looks for Light-Medium & Heavy Armor.... :p