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My Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days rant/mini review

Discussion in 'Rants' started by Malice_Dragon, Oct 13, 2009.

  1. Malice_Dragon

    Malice_Dragon Active Member

    So you've seen this and thought 'SOMEONE WHO DIDN'T LIKE TEH KINGDEM HERTS? BLUSPHUMPY!'
    I love Kingdom Hearts 1&2, the battle system, music, graphics and even the rather...odd characters.
    Like anyone else I started up this game thinking 'It's Kingdom Hearts! What could possibly be bad about it?' Oooh boy I was wrong.
    So you play as Roxas when he's in Organization 13 (Which has 14 members, by the by) You've just joined said Organizatio-...well, Cult really. You've just joined Cult 13. So you get into the gameplay, this is where I think the game shines, or should.

    Now, people always say 'TEH GRAPHICS ARE AWESHUME' but they aren't. They're grainy as hell, and no where near as good as the PS2 graphics. Then you play 'Wizard of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road' which has MUCH better graphics in my opinion, and wasn't hyped to high hell.

    The music is also terrible. Hate me not, SE fans, I love the KH music, some of the best I've heard. What I don't wanna hear is crappy midi versions of the music. The game has what, 3 tracks that aren't just midi versions of the PS2 game?

    Then there's the inventory system...oh my god the inventory system. You have a 'Panel' system. You have to install your items into panels, or you can't use them. Oh yes, you also have to INSTALL your level ups.
    At first I thought 'that's stupid, but fair enough, I can roll with it' I keep playing, then I get to Agrabah/Beast's Castle with Xion being completely useless. I stopped playing when I saw that I was doing all of the same stuff that I had done in Twilight Town, except I was in Agrabah/Beast's castle, with an annoying little girl at my heels who was tossing the occasional fire ball at the wall.

    This game is bad, very bad. If this game was, say 'Disney Adventures' or something, with no KH characters no one would play it...well people would but not as many. Personally I think Square Enix couldn't care less about this game, they just wanted to give their rabid fans something to devour while they concentrated on Birth by Sleep, which looks amazing, by the way.

    4/10, only because it's a KH game.
    'Disney Adventures' gets an unplayable 0.5/10
  2. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

  3. Malice_Dragon

    Malice_Dragon Active Member

    Really what? That's not much of a reply XD Do I really hate it? Yes, yes I do.
  4. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    i feel bad saying this cuz i didn't even read the whole review ( couldn't xD)

    but cmon...why even mention that the graphics don't compare to ps1/2

    it is a G** D*** DS GAME.. were you expecting the ark of the covenant to open and give us a game with graphics equal to that of ps3? Most 3d ds games are grainy..thats how its most likely gonna be until they upgrade it or make a new ds like system... and wizard of oz .. sure great graphics but why even mention that when the gameplay is poop compared to kh 358/2 days

    not trying to offend u or anything man just voicing my opinion :O
  5. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    You cant compare the DS to the PS2 in the graphics department... it's just not a fair debate. In fact your whole argument seems to be based upon the fact that a DS GAME isnt as good as a PS2 GAME...
  6. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    my thoughts exactly, I will give it to Malice Dragon for being brave enough to post this and share his opinion on the subject... even though im sure hes going to be flamed to hell and back D:
  7. Malice_Dragon

    Malice_Dragon Active Member

    I mentioned that people said it was like the PS2 graphics, I know it's a DS game but I expect much better from Square Enix nowadays. Still hanging onto my oppinion that they don't care about the DS. *points to Birth By Sleep and FF13*
  8. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    i just read the rest of the review... malice you seem to be a little impatient.. cuz sure xion sucks for a little while but u didn't even put a dent in the games progress ..you have created this review based on about a couple hours of gameplay .. if you are going to review it you should at least play through the whole game first.. cuz trust me its a little lame at first.. but if you liked the other KH why would you not even bother to play through to enjoy the story line and the rest of the good stuff you havn't even gotten to yet
  9. Malice_Dragon

    Malice_Dragon Active Member

    I knew someone would bring that up =P I am urged to play through the game, but I think it'll just be a waste of time...the ending's terrible -.-
  10. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    Zzz ima leave this one alone for now.. and let others take a crack at it :X
  11. aznpyromaniac406

    aznpyromaniac406 Active Member

    If you didn't know the ds is getting pushed to the limit just rendering those graphics.
  12. Malice_Dragon

    Malice_Dragon Active Member

    I am aware of that, but I would rather have sprites than have my eyes burned out by pixels.
  13. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    First: Do not compare DS to PS2
    Second: I liked 358/2 Days more than KH 1 & 2
    Third: Music is OK
    Fourth: Abillity pannels are awesome
    Fifth: I don't agree with you
  14. Malice_Dragon

    Malice_Dragon Active Member

    I said that others said it was as good as the PS2, I didn't.
    and the ability panels are the worst system Square Enix has come up with.
  15. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    Rysio meant everything I said with:
  16. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    I dunno why do you hate panel system so much. It's great, you can customize your character, and add or remove levels. If you want to say things like that, add "in my opinion" next time, because not everyone agrees with that, ok?
  17. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    I've never played both KHI/II so I do ignore whatever comparisons you got with those two. I only got to play CoM in a GBA emulator and comparing this game with that, I must say I'm overwhelmed. They improve everything from graphics to gameplay. The only thing that lacks from this game is Winnie The Pooh. :p Not really.
    And when you compare this game to other 3D games for the DS, I can say it's one of the best. I'm actually amazed with the details they put on the background and characters. Exploring the worlds is so much fun, especially in Neverland. I dare to say 3D games on the DS can never do better than this game.
  18. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    True that.
  19. rokkubr

    rokkubr Active Member

    You yeah Oz got nice graphics of a stupid dog a a retarded girls,some monsters that almost don't move and attack animations similar to a RPG Maker game.
    While KH got dozens of fully animated monsters,chars,magic and attacks.I think it is stupid to even compare those two games... Oh and by the way i really liked the panel system it is nice to be able to fully customize your little roxas to be able to do a specified mission,and on multiplayers you can agree to rules like "max lvl 20 or no fire magic allowed" quite easily.
  20. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    where?, you said
    (btw thats because as far DS graphics are concerned, they are.)

    was your opinion, no?
    Its clear you're the one comparing every detail to the ps2 games, you even start off by saying
    "I love the PS2 Games, the battle system, music, graphics". and then criticize the DS based on them.

    This is obviously true

    Also your wizard of oz comment was dumb, do you think hype is solely generated from a game's graphics or something?