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My introduction

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by calmcc, Dec 23, 2008.

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  1. calmcc

    calmcc Guest


    I am a 27 year old single white male, I live in Australia and I have been a computer user/gamer since the C64 days of glory. I found this site by stumbling around Google for NDS games.

    I currently have Wii (PAL), PS2 (JP), PSX (PAL chipped), PSP (JP) and a NDS (w/ R4). I have a lot of games...

    I like to help others out, not because I have to, but because everyone is at different stages of knowledge when it comes to gaming or gaming related areas. Others have helped me in the past, so now that I have acquired a semblance of knowledge, I want to give back to others. Though I'm no expert and likely won't help give extremely detailed information (ie cheat codes etc), I'll try my best to help people out where possible. If I come across as condescending, it is not intentional.

    Yes, Google is your friend. To a point. Though if people have not tried to investigate their problem thoroughly before asking, that's just silly & a drain on other people.

    That's all. Thanks.
  2. zinectics

    zinectics Well-Known Member

    welcome to RomU calmcc ^^

    hope you help a lot of members on their problems here at the forums

    including me ^^
  3. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Welcome to the forum calmcc :D

    Helping people out feels so much better ain't it? It's alot better than being a jerk & owning noobs because you were also once one of them at one time or another.
  4. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Welcome indeed, I like your attitude of giving back. :)
  5. calmcc

    calmcc Guest


    Thanks, I'll try my best to help. It's true that we all start out as noobs, and only through investigation can we hatch out of the noobtrix and become fully aware of how deep the rabbit hole goes. Even though I'm not as knowledgeable as others, if there's a post that has received no replies and looks genuine (and I can help...), that's the kind of person I aim to help.

    We all know how crushing it is when we beg for help after hours of fruitless searching, only to find that no one could be bothered to give any crumbs of advice.

    Just so long as posters don't come between me and my game time...hehe :)

    Bye for now.
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