This is My First Try. Please give Constructive Criticism, and a Honest Mark ?/10. Thanks. Here It Is: Remember, Post an Honest Mark (Out of 10) + A Comment + A Way To Make it Better. Thanks A Bunch Guys. James.
Because this is your first try: 7/10 Try using other backgrounds, and the quality of mario on the left is horrible.
6/10 I like the font but try to make the border more equal Thread tip: next time, to get more comments on a sig try posting in the signature thread
1/10 and i'm not being mean its a true representation of what it is, these guys are always to nice and the niceness doesn't help so as almo isn't here to tear you apart to put you on track i'm going to but not as harsh. first of all i have no idea how you made the renders look bad but they have lost their color and look horrible. the mario on the left is misshapen, i don't know what program you use to do your sig so i don't know if it will work (i use PS) hold shift when resizing so it keeps its shape. the colors are nasty and a bit harsh to look at and the yellow background looks like week piss. you need to look up some tutorials on doing background work. and finally as i don't want to upset you to much but i have no idea why you border is not the same size all around it looks bad sort it out. don't get upset this was constructive and every new sig maker needs to be ripped apart it makes you stronger, i had it done to me and many others and we are better for it. i understand it was your first one so well done but work hard, look up some tutorials and get better. hope it helps
This is amazing for a first sig, I'm not actually looking at the sig here. But you already know how to use drop shadow, transform, outer glow, opacity and gradient. All I knew how to use in my first sig was File>Open >.> Improvment: When you use the gradient, use filters>liquify on it to give it some flavor, then duplicate the layer and use filters>distort>ocean ripple on it and set that layer on darken or lighten. Then colour overlay, pick a colour, drop opacity to 30-ish, put blending to soft light. For text: less distance on the shadow, opacity to 75%, make it smaller. Border: I know those are popular, but drop them, use a simple inner stroke on 2 pixels, for now. And get some other tips and tricks in my thread Cheers m8, you'll do good. ^^
Needs more fx and blending, and a better compo Most of the time, text and borders kinda kill stuff IMO, so yeah.
Yos This is Good for a first try man... You could do better work on the font Well Why don't you try any of my tutorials here? In the Graphics Discussion.... TIP: After making the sig, Make a new Layer and Apply Image on it, then Set the layer's Blend mode to: Lighten. Then go to: Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur. Check the radius for your requirement at the sig... it will look cool.
Thanks for all your replies, really helps. James. P.S: equitypetey. Not offended at all, i did say 'Constructive' afterall, and you did explain how i could improve. Thanks. P.S.S: Thanksabunch Nox.