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My first real Project!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Stanley Richards, May 19, 2011.

  1. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Okay, I do not know how to write this professionally, so I'm going to just type down everything I see.

    Project Option 6: Does excessive use of Smartphones / Computers affect academic performance?


    The use of Smartphones / Computers has become so important in our lives that one cannot do without them. Everyone owns at least one of these, and they are used for communication, entertainment, transactions, academic purposes and many others. As a result, they have become an inevitable part of our lives. However, has the excessive use of these gadgets affect our lives adversely?

    Your Task:

    To submit a report to the School Exam Commitee on whether the use of Smartphones / Computers affect the academic performance of the students.


    1. (a) Conduct a survey on at least 50 students on the number of hours used on their smartphone / computers.
    (b) The survey can be conducted in the form of an interview, survey form, polling in FaceBook or by any other means. Survey forms and polling responses must be submitted for verification.
    *(c) Some questions for the survey are as follows:

    - The type of web resources they log on to : Computer Games, Educational Resources, Facebook, Twitter, music etc.
    - The average number of Hours they spend online on Smartphones / Computers each week.
    - The average number of hours they spend on online entertainment (e.g Facebook, Gaming or Chatting) each week.
    - The average number of hours they spend on constructive online academic resources (e.g research on important topics, online assignments) each week.
    - Average marks on all Subjects

    (d) You may include other questions which you feel will help you come up with your conclusion.

    2. Your Data would need to be displayed using a steam-and-leaf and dot diagram. For instance,

    - Dot Diagram to display the number of hours spent on smartphones / Computers
    - Stem-And-Leaf diagram to display their overall average marks.

    3. You need to show calculations of mean, median and mode on each set of data as a measure of how you made your conclusions. You may use tools such as Microsoft Excel to calculate the mean, median and mode of the two sets of data.


    You are to submit

    - A typed report on your study as a proposal to the School Exam Committee on whether the use of smartphones / computers affects our students' academic performance.
    The report to be produced will cover the following aspects:

    1. An attention grabbing Project Tile.
    2. Reason for choosing this particular topic.
    3. Description of Data Collection. (Type of collection, questions asked, sample size)
    4. Tabulation of data. (values must be sorted in ascending order.)
    5. The presentation of data of the dot diagram and stem-and-leaf diagram.
    6. For each of the diagrams, give a description of the shape of the plot like

    i. Distribution is skewed to upper/lower end or fairly symmetrical.
    ii. Data is clustered around which range of values.
    7. The values of Mean, Median and Mode for each diagram.
    8. Explain what the values calculated in 7 meant.
    9. Comment on whether you feel the sample you are using is a good representation of students. Give reasons for your answer.
    10. Based on the outcome of your data and calculations of mean, median and mode, determine whether the use of smartphones / computers negatively impact the academic performance of students. What suggestions would you recommend to the school exam committee based on your findings? Do you think there can be a compromise and suggest an optimal number of hours students can be online and still perform well in their studies?

    - An attractive A2 Poster on your study for your classmates to learn about your work. (Poster should feature the attention grabbing project title, objectives of project, the dot diagram, stem-and-leaf diagram, any other statistical diagrams used and conclusions / suggestions drawn from the study).

    So like, I'm pretty overwhelmed and I don't know where to begin. I don't understand what Mean, median and Mode means, nor do I understand what a Dot Diagram and Stem-And-Leaf diagram is, though I can find out by looking up some lessons, but I think I missed the Mean, Median and Mode ones. Could anyone offer any advice of sorts, on where to begin, what I should even do?

    Any help is much appreciated, it's worth around 40 marks for my final year exams, and the due date is 4th July 2011.
  2. gamblore101

    gamblore101 Well-Known Member

    Mean median and mode: http://www.mathsteacher.com.au/year8/ch17_stat/02_mean/mean.htm

    stem and leaf is basically this. [​IMG]

    im not sure about a dot diagram. :L
    but i hope it helped :D
    but asking a teacher helps too.
  3. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    Been a while now since I did maths, but I think mean, mode and median were these :

    Mean : Average of the data. All the values divided by number of values. 1+2 divided by 2. Average = 1.5

    Median : The middle value of arranged data. Say you have random numbers of 1,2,5,4,3 , you arrange them and turn it into 1,2,3,4,5. 3 would be the median, being the middle value. Or in say, 1,5,7 - the median would be 5.

    Mode : Value that occurs most frequently. Ex:You're interviewing all the students in your class for the number of hand phones they have. The most common amount will end up as your mode. So if 20/30 students have 2 hand phones, 2's your mode. Basically when you get/group up all your data, the value that appears the most time is your mode.

    Uhh, I could be wrong tho. Might want to double check with someone.
  4. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Much appreciated, both of you. Now if only I can figure out a format for this.
  5. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    Try looking at this. It looks like it has most of what you are asking for.