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my ds STOPPED working!

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by super m 96, Dec 15, 2010.

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  1. super m 96

    super m 96 Member

    please help me because my ds stopped working, if i try to start it up, the touchscreen flashes white briefly, and it shuts down.
    HELP please!
  2. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    You're going to have to start by telling everyone what happened exactly. Before that did you overcharge it? Dropped it? Played for a long long time? Have you been abusing it all this while? What flashcart do you use? Did you upgrade it recently?

    Think of what can possibly cause it, then maybe we can help you figure it out. ;\
  3. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    there is a chance its a battery problem
  4. super m 96

    super m 96 Member

    uhmm... i dunno. i use an r4III upgrade , hasn't been updated in a while.
    my l and r buttons are dusty, so i blew it out... but it stopped working some time after that.
    how could i have over charged it?
    and i use it daily for like 1.5 hour on school sometimes
  5. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    It has nothing to do with what flash cart you use or what kernel/firmware/update you had recently installed either. Your console's shoulder button (L and R) being dusty does not have anything to do with the problem you are facing either, but it does show how untidy and lack of care/love for your console.

    Anyway, since you did not mention anything wrong with the LCD Screen, so its most likely the below 2 possibilities (ON/OFF switch or Battery).

    1. Your On / OFF switch is faulty

    Possible Reason:
    - You often push the RESET function too long or over use it to reset the cart
    - The On/Off switch is damaged
    - Short circuit connection because of wire contact from improper soldering by the manufactor

    - Console won't start
    - When tried to switch on the LED or screen blink but can't switch on

    - Take it to a service centre for replacement/service

    2. Your battery has problem

    Possible Reason:
    - Battery Leaking
    - Battery is Dying/Dead

    - Take it out and see if there is any thing out of the ordinary, e.g. wet or a liquid is visible
    - Test it with a multi tester such as ampermeter or voltmeter and see if the voltage matches the label
    - Console won't start/ turn on

    - buy a replacement battery

    Playing it for only 1-2 hours a day does not mean the battery does not need scheduled charging. If a battery is not charged for a long time, the chemical substance in it would dry up causing what we commonly refer as dead battery. While over charging it can cause leaking as the chemical substance get over heated.

    Make a habit of at least charging the battery once every 3 or 4 days but each time not longer than 3 hours. And when you do not intend to play it for a long time, its always mandatory to remove the battery from the console. And never let your console really run out of battery before charging it, always immediately charge it once you see the red LED indicator.
  6. super m 96

    super m 96 Member

    i often played on it till it went off, and i charged it overnight.
    and my ds is secondhand, and i take quite good care of my DS, and i blew it out like as in blowing(with my mouth.) so maybe some water hit some of the contacts?
  7. SW4J

    SW4J Active Member

    Overcharging a handheld? That's a first. When home I always play with the handheld (in this case the DS, in other cases GBASP etc.) plugged into the wall. When it's off it's in the wall as well. Funny thing is not only have I never had any problems with leakage, the battery life has remained fantastic on all my handhelds.

    As for when it recharge or how often, I've heard people say just about everything. Recharge after letting it run out completely, recharge before it loses it's charge, etc. I tend to let my stuff run out completely and I've had no problem, though I know people who do the opposite and have no issue. Ultimately just do whatever, and I'm sure it'll be fine.
  8. MohsinMVP

    MohsinMVP Well-Known Member

    Give it to Nintendo. They will fix it
  9. Fennyariel

    Fennyariel Well-Known Member

    I lost my PS2's laser not too long ago. I knew it was my laser because it wouldn't read ANYTHING! I sent it back to Sony and for only 35 bucks I not only got back running like I had just brought it home from the store but they also gave me a brand new warranty for a whole year on it! ;v) So call up Nintendo, ask them what you need to do to get it back to them! It's really a good deal! ;v)
  10. ashley_surferboi

    ashley_surferboi Well-Known Member

    i had the same problem
    my ds battery had completely busted
    if you try to charge it the charge light comes on for a second and goes offf right?
    the battery is bust
    go to dealextreme.com they sell replacement parts
  11. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Have you charged it? :p

    [me=Yoshi2889]is suprised if this is the solution[/me]
  12. super m 96

    super m 96 Member

    NO, i havent thank you-.-
    well, a battery problem would make sense, because the batterylight was going crazy at school, it said it was off, while i was still playing, so...
  13. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    You said you charged it overnight? (Base on reply #5). That's the problem. :eek:

    An NDS console only need max around 4 hours of charging time from zero (red light) until the charging lights goes off (means its full). Charging it overnight is called over-charging. It could be 8-12 hours depending on how long you slept. No wonder its dead, its must have leaked.

    Try opening your battery slot. It could be wet, best take it out and buy new one. Don't let leaking battery stay inside your console. It'll damage the electrical components, causing it to rust. Don't continue using that battery, it might blow up and cause injury, not to mention damaging your console.
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    If it is properly designed it cannot be overcharged because the charging circuit will cut the power when the battery is charged.
  15. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

    i leave my ds and psp charging overnight for the past couple years yet no problems
  16. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Faulty battery production, maybe? Or it had passed its re-chargable duration. After all re-chargable batteries can only be effectively re-charged up to certain times, after that the chemical compound in it dries out. Not to mention his NDS console was second handed down to him. There's no telling how well the previous person had taken care of his console before giving it to him.
  17. iwantndsroms

    iwantndsroms Well-Known Member

    It will also do this if one of the fuses goes inside the ds on the circuit board, look on youtube for a tutorial on how to fix it ,i did my nephews once its a little bit tricky bit you can bridge the fuese with solder if your any good with a soldering iron? oh and you need a very small philips screwdriver and a tri-wing screwdriver too.and alot of patience!
  18. totallydood

    totallydood Guest

    [size=8pt] You said the TOUCH screen flashes for a bit... Does the TOP screen flash on at all when you power it on? If not, then your ribbon cable my be damaged or broken :( The ribbon cable is what powers the top screen.

    my old DS Lite had a similar issue. I dropped it down a flight of stairs......... I turned it on and the bottom screen flashed for a quarter of a second then it shutdown. The top screen did nothing at all...
  19. super m 96

    super m 96 Member

    that... sounds quite what it does right now. but i dont recall it falling or something.
    i did take it to school through the snow and all, maybe the cold or water did something to it?
  20. super m 96

    super m 96 Member

    where can i get a tri-wing screwdriver?
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